2002 Ford Explorer temperature dial not turning actuator shaft

I thought the blend door actuator was bad and so replaced it. But before remounting the new one I powered it up and tested whether the temperature control dial was turning the shaft on the actuator. It does not. Tried it with both old and new actuators. Ran to the junk yard and got a replacement temperature controller. Still doesn’t work. Checked all the climate control related fuses I could think of. Any ideas what I could try next?

As usual we’re thinking about the BCM. That doesn’t help you much.

I’m not familiar with the usual thinking here. Could you please explain.



I think you should stop guessing

Pay a few bucks and get your hands on the HVAC system wiring diagram for your vehicle

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1st thing is check ALL the fuses, not just the ones you think is related…

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I’m a backyard mechanic, which also means I’m a fair weather mechanic. Thanks for all the suggestions. I’ll update if and when I have anything interesting to add.

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Okay. Had to take the actuators apart to figure out what was going on. The old one was missing a couple teeth. The new one (from amazon, my bad) which is supposed to be the same part, doesn’t have the brush/sensor to know where the shaft is rotated, which I guess also meant it just didn’t do anything. Swapped the gears out and it seems to be working as it should.