So, yes, 172slcs,
I do drive only 25 mph. The surface streets I use (never highway) are from30 to 45 mph limits. People just have to around me. And no observes speed limits anyway. So I just look like some old fogey who does observe limits. So ppl do get mad. It’s amazing that ppl cannot judge car distances. They come up w/i a few feet of my bumper and after a while decide to go around.
I have only temp. jobs. They last a few months or weeks and zing, they’re over, until another one pops up. So, I have periods of feast or famine. Right now I’m really scraping the barrel. I hardly drive; walk to the grocery store. (to save gas). Plus the car is really a pain in the arse to drive and possibly dangerous (to be rammed). It’s all true, I’m afraid.
At this time I can’t even part with (as you say) $15 for a compression check tool. As another community mbr. said, I can borrow one at the auto parts store, maybe. The fact is that I’m quite sure that it’s not a compression problem. Let’s remember, it’s a Corolla. The engine is one of the best every made. I’ve driven it usually like an old lady for the past 14 yrs. As long as it still starts and drives (albeit at 25-30 mph), I can always do that. It has certainly put a crimp in my lifestyle. I haven’t gone out to play guitar and sing in a year, for one. My fans miss me (grin).
As I said before on this site, the fuel pressure gauge is not the ones they sell today. The newer cars have a nipple in the fuel line somewhere where you just plug in the gauge. My car does not have nipples (not even one - grin). You need a special adapter kit to tap into the line at the fuel inj. rack. The dealer would have this or maybe I could order one (but not w/o the zula$). Not even the mechanic down the street has one. I’m sorta kinda stuck. (for now).
At Rock, a r/b ECM is $300 (inc. core charge of $50). Ich habe nicht. (I have not). I don’t think anyone is less expensive than Rock. I would like to get one when I can just to rule that out. It would be worth it. I think it’s probable the ECM or the wiring or a bent pin, etc. Tho the ECM has never been out of the car. So I don’t know how a pin bends itself.
On the other hand, I took it to an “old timer” mechanic near hear. He asked me a question I hadn’t heard before. I.e., “Did you ever have be motor mounts?” Zingo! Yes, I said. I changed them about a year ago. I did three myself (very hard to do!). The 4th one, the rear mount, was impossiblel to do on the ground (no lift). So I had a local x-mission shop put it in. They had rough time, too. I had them save the old one for me. It was SHOT. Big gaps, no rubber. So, the mechanic told me, bad mmounts is prime cause of harness problems due to the engine movement. Before the repairs, it was making clicking sounds going over tree roots in the yard. I thought it was front end stuff. But no, it was the m-mounts. After changed, sound went away. But yet, there may have been harness damage which, although I worked on multi-million dollar a/c electronics in the Marine Corps, I don’t believe I could reliably t/s the wiring harness on the Corollo.
Thx for the input.