Tires = Mop?

I’d just like to point out that buying tires as a gift is definitely not the same as buying a vacuum cleaner or some other household appliances (which implies that you assume she’s going to do most or all of the vacuuming/cleaning/cooking…something like a vacuum cleaner should never really be a “gift,” since it something that both partners should be using equally in a household). New tires for her vehicle is a thoughtful, practical and useful gift, especially for her use and her safety. Smart, non-material women know this and also know that someone who would give this to them really cares about them. If you want to go on a romantic holiday or get jewelry, then by all means go and pay for it yourself and invite your guy. Who cares if he doesn’t think of it? Why does the guy always have to think of and give such gifts? And, if you want something, just say so! Really, it’s not that hard. Men (and even women, though they don’t like to admit it) aren’t mind-readers! And things like jewelry…I’d rather pick that stuff out myself, anyway, since everyone has their own taste and it’s unlikely that most people would pick out something I’d like. Almost any gift is great, though, as long as it’s fairly obvious the gift-giver put some thought in to it. And tires are fit that, for sure!