Honda Accord battery life

Batteries are an assembly line item and a certain percentage of them will suffer premature deaths at varying stages.

The length of time the battery spent from the time it was manufactured until the car was sold can also make a difference.
Your car is a 2011 model which means it was likely manufactured back in 2010 with the battery well before that so the battery could be 2.5 years old or even more. If the car languished around for months before someone bought it this means the battery was sitting there idle; not a good thing.

Most batteries will handle this fine but a certain percentage will not. Maybe your battery is just one of that small percentage of early failures.

I’ve bought a few batteries that failed within a week and one Sears Die Hard motorcycle battery completely failed the day after I bought it; as I discovered at quitting time when the bike was stone dead. Testing showed the battery was utter junk and it refused to take a charge at all.