Would you spend money to keep your car looking good cosmetically?

Car wash? Once year to get the road salt off, before lanolin Fluid-Film undercoat treatment.
(I care more that the frame holds together in crash than how it looks…)
Big city living, at a stoplight guy next to me offers to fix dent in door for $50. My reply? “I LIKE that dent, and the others too…it makes this less stealable!”
Don’t ask me how I dress or “groom” !!
Last haircut was 1970. Remember to comb if I pass a mirror. Wife trims beard since she has to look at me.
Clothes? Let’s just say I had gotten offered quarters in the city, declined politely, I was more likely to hand out dollars since I had the ability. Not spending it on clothes…
Car? Tool to get me safely from Point A to B. Unfortunately, a necessity in rural areas. Would sooner spend $ on best tires than a polish.
Not judging books (people, machines…) by covers makes sense to me.

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1970? During the lockdown I was at the barber the last day he could be open. Nothing open in Minnesota and only necessary driving. After two months I had decided to drive 90 miles across the Iowa border to a barber shop. My excuse if I was stopped was going to be a sick cousin in mason city. Heh heh, didn’t have to. The shop opened up again. I go once a month.

My hair is halfway down my back. I say let it grow. And I don’t recall any active driving restrictions.