Woman Catches Cops Putting GPS Tracker on Car and Removes It—Cops Then Demand It Back

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I might remove it… after all, it IS my car.

I’d leave it securely outside, safely inside my small metal trash can.

I might attach it to a neighbor’s car… one I didn’t like very much. :wink:


We are under no obligation to submit to police searches unless they have a warrant. And I know the police say they have a warrant in this case, but generally you have to actually produce the warrant, which the cops have refused to do. Removing the device shouldn’t be a problem. And considering the cops attached the device to her property, it can hardly be reasonably argued that she stole it.

After all, if I park my car on my neighbor’s property, I don’t then get to claim that he stole my car, even if he doesn’t want my car there and moves it out onto the street. It’s not his responsibility to make sure I get my car back when I leave it lying around on his lawn, it’s mine to make sure I keep track of my stuff.


Would realey be funny if you had access to a airport and attached to a plane


I would have removed it and then break it into 1000 little pieces saying - “I didn’t know it was put there by the police. I thought my ex put it there.”


I probably would have returned it or just put it in the garage. I really don’t think they would bother with me though. I don’t associate with people that use, buy, or sell illegal drugs. And I wasn’t arrested a month prior to call attention to myself. All these totally innocent people-terrible.

If someone is so bored they want to know where I am going, let em have their fun :wink:

But if I wanted to mess with it I would wrap it in aluminum foil, simple faraday cage. It is not removed or stolen


I like your first reflex, i’d do the same, and if the cops harassed me afterwards, i’d demand a copy of the search warrant they relied upon to surveil me. If they fail to produce one, i’d sue

Steve Lehto did a video about this case: Lehto’s Law

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If it’s something on my vehicle without out my permission…I have every right to get rid of it anyway I want to. In order to possibly get in any trouble there’d have to be a witness seeing me remove device and smashing it…Extremely unlikely. Second…I have no what a tracking device looks like so I would think I accidently picked something up. Maybe it’s a bomb…who knows.

What if I remove my cat conv but don’t drive. Ever again? Is that an offense?

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I would be tempted to go to a party supplies vendor, purchase a dozen helium balloons, and airmail about 2 in the morning to wherever the winds took it.


That’s NOT what I said…I was just pointing out that I have no idea what it could be.

Just for fun I sent our corporate lawyer a text about this. When in the office his office is right next to mine. His answer - If you find anything suspicious or unknown on your vehicle you have every right to remove and dispose as you see fit. Even if it was planted by the police with a valid warrant. Her problem was removing it and letting the police she now is in possession of it.

Yeah I have watched some of his youtubes. I didn’t watch this one though. Be prepared though that he spends 15 minutes re-hashing the issues where 5 minutes might have done it. Plus he is in Michigan so states may differ, but he has good information. The one on him having a bike accident is pretty good.

Seems to me though if the Police had a warrant to place the device, they had legal permission to monitor the car. Of course once the person knows they are being monitored, what’s the point anymore? I would be upset with a tracker but, with the number of cameras around and millions of fools with smart phones, a tracker is probably the least intrusive. As far as a bomb goes though, I think it is mainly in the movies. Can’t recall the last time someone’s car blew up from a bomb, especially with no wires coming out of it, which would mean a timing device or electronic trigger.

I would remove the black box and get rid of it. I’d tell my family about it, especially one son in law that is a lawyer. It would probably be best to talk to him before disposing of the mystery box.

About that article: the author was clearly biased. I hope he didn’t leave anything out as a result of his predisposition to drug arrests. It appears to me that obtaining a warrant was legitimate, given that the woman had been busted for trafficking drugs. She probably had a suspicion who put it there given her situation, but that doesn’t mean she knows who did it. I think she handled it properly (almost). I would not have alerted the police. She didn’t do that, her agent did. That’s basically to same as her telling the cops IMO.

Everything has to be explained to you. So Sad.

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My phone, cpap and hearing aids all track me one way or another.

This thread is about tracking devices, so it was relevant.
If you are of a different mind, then I guess we will have to agree to disagree.

It’s not about Bill Gates though, it’s about Stingrays and that big facility in Utah.