… when you can jury-rig your own homemade version?
After all… what could possibly go wrong?
Not enough electrons on the internet to list them…
I really wonder how that would work in snow over 10 mph.
I really wonder how that would work in snow over 10 mph.
\\\\Or mud ///////
An extremely-long drive belt, in a home-made application…
What could possibly go wrong with that situation?
Q designed James Bond a car with similar looking rotary gadgets which poked out of wheels on press of push button. Used to give chasing cars with bad guys a flat tire. So there’s that. And it seems like that arrangement could be used to power a portable saw mill if you had trees you wanted to convert to lumber. 4WD up to the trees, reconfigure the belt, saw some lumber. The belt would make for a good elastic band if you had a lot of paperwork or a good sling shot. Lots of possibilities … lol …
Belt slippage might be a saving grace.
That may well be one of the most bizarre things ive ever seen.
Red Green would be proud!
Oh my God the front pulley belt guides to cope with steering.
This might be the worst DIY project ever?
Who on earth would have bothered with this?
Just going for laughs?
We don’t need no stinking engineers!
Those actually work, to be used only in a straight line. Me? I would goes with a proper winch.
But how does it work? The spool is smaller than the tire, so driving forward, say, 6 feet would only wrap a fraction of that on the spool. The rope would go slack. What am I missing?
The tire has no traction, therefore rope/cable will wrap around the device pulling the vehicle forward until tire gains traction. Though picture shows rock crawling, device is better for extraction from mud or snow.
Yeah, wheel needs to spin for it to work. Should have showed it in a mud puddle!
Anyone actually use one? It would seem like it would jerk the steering wheel hard right, even if it did work.
In Cavell’s photo above, rope looks to be configured more for going backward rather than forward.
I’ve given this some thought, and I think it should receive special recognition as Worst DIY Ever.
Isn’t it in a class by itself?
The guy who did this has to be a very special sort of person, no?