Why a "STOP" button?

My first car was a new 1965 Sunbeam Imp. It had an optional hand crank. I did not buy one since I could open the drivers door and kick the car backwards with my foot to get it started.

" Why a “STOP” button? " I Think This Is The Direction We’re Moving In Here. "

This button will start and stop your car, change the oil, fix flat tires, and take care of any needs that you and your car have.

We see it this site. People don’t read or can’t find their owner’s manuals, don’t check or can’t check the car’s oil or other fluids. Many aren’t interested in it until the car stops.

People in general are dumbing down in many basic skills areas and I hate to say it, but the U.S. is leading the way. My son is in grad school finishing his MBA and has classmates from all over the world and they are amazed at my son’s math abilities (especially mental math) compared with typical American students they encounter.

I think people spend more time on cell phones, Face Book, tweeting, text-messaging, and looking hot (I hope I’ve got these things things right, I don’t do any of them.), than they do making themselves more educated on the basics of life.

Some recent Harvard Grads were asked a simple question, “What causes the seasons ?” A film-maker went to a graduation ceremony at Harvard University and asked students and their teachers what caused the seasons. Almost everyone got it wrong.

Don’t take my word for any of this. I will leave you with this clip:


I think they’re cool. Also, they can be deterrents to car jacking. Guard Dawg in So Cal sells an aftermarket one, but, so far I haven’t had the courage to order and install it, though I would like to. Cost is $300 to $600 depending on vehicle and its accessories. Also, if the proximity switch, which is the fob carried in the driver’s pocket should fail (usually due to a low batt. - but how often does that happen?), there is a manual override key the driver can insert into the Guard Dawg computer to start the car. And, as far as I know, the push button will start the car in any season. And, believe it or not, I don’t think the return of bush button starters signals the end of the world as we know it.