Which Car? Stumped!

I have outgrown my beloved Forester. I show dogs and can no longer get all the crates in. As it is I am riding around with a stuffed car and only 3 of the 5.

My husband is pushing for an Element (he has one and loves it)…but honestly, I want a wee bit more luxury. A minivan is possible…but feels a little like overkill: the Odyssey seems enormous.

I tried the Routan and I liked it but it’s not getting good reviews for reliability. My nightmare is getting stranded on the road with all the dogs.

And I don’t want to spend more than 28-30,000.

It want it to be bullet proof reliable, safe as houses and somewhat of a pleasure to drive…Decent gas mileage would be nice. I need to be able to get one LARGE crate, 2 Medium size crates and 2 small crates in.

I don’t like that beefy bloated look on the new models…

Is there something out there for me to check out? I am entertaining a look at the American cars .Traverse?..thought about the Flex…but it seems so looooooong.

I know I’m fussy…sigh…

all ears.


sorry!!! I reposted in General Discussion…can;t figure out how to delete it from this thread.