Lol, I hear you…
I am actually alot better now than I was then, now I was never into doing anything malicious, just driving like an idiot. We used to have a makeshift drag strip set up out in the country on a deserted road, the farmers didn’t care, there was no public around and the sheriff knew about it but he really didn’t mind so long as no one complained and we kept it away from other motorists.
He actually stopped me one time and told me " Rick, you need to hold it down with that dang car when your in town, go out in the country to get your jollies"
He knew 2 things and I think thats why he let alot of stuff slide, A- I was always sober which at the time our county was having a hell of a time with drunk drivers damaging property, causing injuries, and even a few deaths, and B- He was having a time with a drug dealing bunch with ties to a motorcycle gang. He knew me and my few friend were honest and didn’t cause any major trouble.
Which brings me to my next story…
It was the early 1990s and I had a good friend who had a cousin who made the mistake of getting into a relationship with one of the local motorcycle gang drug dealing punks, well he beat her up and he was out on bail. No one liked this guy, he caused nothing but trouble for almost everyone he came in contact with.
There was a bar on the outskirts of town where the biker types hung out, it was a rough place from what I heard and it wasnt a friendly place. Well we decided to cause a little trouble for that punk, we will just call him…Biff…
We went by the bar one night in an out of town friends club wagon, we parked at a closed gas station next door and went around back, we had a lookout in the van and walkie talkies to make sure no one came out . We used a bottle jack and wood blocks and jacked up biffs monte carlo and set the rear wheels just above the ground so the rear wheels were not touching the ground. We came back at closing time and parked the van discretely across the road at a cemetery. We watched as biff staggered out to his car and tried to leave, he tried like hell revving up the engine and he must have thought that there was a mechanical problem with his car.
So he goes into the bar and a few guys come out and look under the hood, its not untill biff tries to move the car that one of the other drunks sees that the wheels are spinning and the car is in the air. Once they look under the car the other guys start laughing, well this makes biff angry and he starts arguing with the other guys and ends up pushing one, he looked like an idiot and these guys were laughing at him and this enraged biff.
More people are leaving at this point and a little brawl starts in the parking lot because biff is convinced he knew who jacked up his car, and he started to fight with this guy. Well at this time the police drive by and stop, long story short biff goes to jail because he had crank on him. The guy who was fighting with biff went to jail as well, I think we found out he had drugs on him as well.
We ended up sneaking out the back way of the cemetery and going home, knowing that the world was a bit safer with biff behind bars for the night.
Theres more where this came from, let me know if anyone wants to hear them…