What was the most challenging repair you've ever done, and how did you overcome it?

Yeah. The “this one” link I put in was to a thread I started here about it aaaaalllll the way back in 2010. The subject was something like “Is GM Just Messing with Me”?

One of the first things I said was that I promise 11/16" wouldn’t fit. (That leaves out a 17mm). I had an 11/16" flare nut wrench, and two different 11/16" open ends. And none of them would go. I tried and tried and tried a lot. If I’d had better access, I might have tried to hammer one on, or cut the line and hammer on a socket. But the access was insane. I think you had one of these vans once. I had to go down from the top between the engine/trans and firewall, past the exhaust. No way to go in from the bottom or the sides. I have no idea what a pro would do. Pull the whole rack? Drop the subframe out of the way?

The only thing that would go on was an 18mm, but with an uncomfortable amount of slop. If I stripped them I’d have been f’d on a DIY basis. Of course, at the time I was worried about paying someone else $400. And that was for real at the time. I’m in a better place now…and am having the shops do more and more stuff for me. :wink: