What to do turning left with a solid yellow left turn arrow

Everone is over complicating this. You may enter an intersection on a yellow light, you may not enter an intersection on a red light. So if you are not in the intersection before that arrow turns red, you have to stop.

You posted the most replies in this tread and now you are no longer interested?

After all the bovine feces that thewonderful90s / snowman has been spreading, I’m not really interested is his garbage either.


Still interested in a good conversation but the OP is starting to sound like a broken record. [ for those who are old enough to know what that means ]


Cap I understood that


Green = Pedal to the metal
Yellow = Go like h*** to beat the red
Red = Aircraft carrier stop

Oh, and ALWAYS yield to oncoming traffic when making left turns when the traffic light is plaid.

You’re welcome.


I do!

And here I thought I made up plaid traffic lights. Who knew? :wink: Must be a thing in Scotland.


Spaceballs, the next step up from ludicrous speed! GONE PLAID - YouTube

If you posted some good conversation, I missed it.

[quote=“Marnet, post:46, topic:181623”]
Oh, and ALWAYS yield to oncoming traffic when making left turns when the traffic light is plaid.

Especially when they are bigger than you… At a four way stop sign if two vehicles get there at the same time the right of way goes to the one with the biggest WHEELS.

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Yeah we have a big car, driving my daughters little car it is a whole nother world of less respect!

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Used to pay $1 each but couldn’t afford many. In Hemmings Classic Cars last month they featured a 57 Chrysler and the features it had. It had a factory installed record player. Only offered a couple years because of all the problems. They used special 16 1/2 (I think) rpm 7" records instead of the standard 45 and 33 1/3, so that they could get more playing time. Imagine. Even jumping on the floor would make a needle skip on a record. Then along came 8 track, and cassette, and CD, and then thumb drives. Next might be just telepathy.


Follow up question. Earlier today, eastbound traffic had a green left turn arrow but there was an ambulance coming from the opposite direction with lights flashing. How many people think the person in the left turn lane should have completed his/her turn since there was a solid green arrow?

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the Ambulance always has the right of way when their lights are on.


All SHOULD stop and wait but I have seen many times when they didn’t they don’t know who is in the ambulance orc how bad the emergency is it might e some one they know and if things go wrong the sh++T will hit the rotating wind machine.

Yes, well, you know that and I know that but there just might be one or two people who disagree, and I wanted to give them a chance to identity themselves.


I was actually rear ended one time in that situation luckley no damage other than a few scratches.

True. In NYS AAA defensive driving class, we are told that this state allows autos to enter the intersection to make a left turn. In normal everyday driving I often see this and with a light change, oncoming traffic will politely yield to that driver. Not always, unfortunately, but most people have experienced this themselves and do allow them to clear the intersection. So yes and no, a defensive driver does everything they can to avoid accidents, even yield when we shouldn’t have to.

Forcing other drivers to yield strikes me as offensive driving rather than defensive but I guess as long as you can get away with it…


I live in the Outer Banks of NC and we have had these lights for awhile, maybe 20 years.

I can tell you how they work here. We have a main road here that is 5 lanes, 2 each way and a turning lane in the middle. We have the flashing yellow left turn arrow which means: “You give way to oncoming traffic but you can turn when it’s safe”. When the main road thru lights turn yellow the left turn light will become steady for a few seconds. IF YOU are already in the intersection observe the oncoming traffic (They will be stopping for their red light). WHEN YOU ARE SURE they are stopping you can make the left turn, however don’t dilly dally because traffic on your left and right will be coming at you.

This is legal. If you haven’t entered the intersection it’s best if you stay behind the hold line and wait for the signals to cycle. Quite often you might get a green arrow, I hope you all know what that means.