What cause a car axel, ball joint to break and tire to blow?

I was born and raised in Detroit and have spent my whole (somewhere above 65 years) in auto repair. I said “probably” because it was probable, not a certainty. Don’t be so judgmental. Having to pay $3000 for that work is an obvious rip off. If you don’t know that its because people who drive Volvos (I had a 240 volvo btw before I learned what a pos it was) generally have a lot of money and often don’t do a lot of personal automotive repairs. Remember Mr. Thinskin, I said “generally”. Moreover, Volvo owners often sell the car before it hits the super high mileage; (this allows lower class folks like myself to get these super expensive cars at bargain prices) remember sir, I said
“often” [I have put at least 290,000 miles on all the cars that I bought new.]

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Talk about a hypocrite . . .

Jared is telling Volvo not to be judgmental

And then he immediately shows that he’s judgmental himself, and goes on to makes generalizations about people
