Wacko parents giving in to whiny teenagers

About 38 years ago a local man I knew bought a 1950 Nash Stateman for his HS aged daughter to drive. The bathtub Nash was never a pretty car, even when it debuted in 1949. It was even less pretty in 1975. She refused to drive it, so it sat in front of their house. And sat, and sat, and sat. I would drive by once in a while and see that it was still there. One day I knocked on the door. He was not interested in selling it, even though his daughter still wouldn’t drive it. Several months later I drove by and saw a nice looking '63 Ford Fairlane in the driveway. It was a V-8 hardtop car, and still in good shape. The daughter had bought it herself. She wasn’t spoiled, she bought HER car with her own money. At last dad gave up and sold me the Nash for $75. I still have it.

GREAT story!!