Yes, Cig, I do believe the executive branch has run afoul of its charter as intended by the founding fathers.
Yes, Cig, I do believe our tax dollars are being used inapprpriately…by the trillions.
Yes, Cig, I do believe what’s being done will ultimately plunge this country into either a prolonged recession or perhaps even a depression. One cannot take this amount of money from the taxpayer pockets and inject it into another segment of the economy without, I believe, dire consequences.
My problem is not with GM. It’s with Washington. And it began not with GM, it began with AIG. I believe Henry Paulson (with Ben Bernanke) took us down a wrong road and wer’re now heading down it with breakneck speed. Federally backing loans is one thing (although I have reservations there too), but acquiaition of stocks in private firms using taxpayer money is a whole different issue. I don’t believe out tax system was ever intended or designed to do this.
And yes, taxpayer money is clearly being used to force these companies to make the decisions the executive branch feels they should.
Many economists now believe that FDR’s approach out of the great depression actually prolonged it. But at leats the tax dollars were used for public works projects, to the benefit of the taxpayers. What’s happening now is completely different.
Yes, I’m a constitutionalist. The founders wrote the constitution as a document that limited the powers of the government, and created the three branches to prevent any one branch from assuming dictatorial powers. We’ve strayed too far afield of thst vision. There seem to be no limits at the moment to the powers of the executive branch.
Mark my words, our heirs will pay for this for generations to come.