UPS jumps onto the tech bandwagon

… or even some oil additives!
Last year, I bought a bottle of Marvel Mystery Oil at a Wal-Mart self-checkout, and the entire process was halted until I showed proof of age.

It could be Mrs. Triedaq. :wink:


It’s those darn huffers, ruining it for everyone else.


@Whitey. I had a brain MRI a couple of years ago. They didn’t find anything up there, which those on this board would probably have guessed. I had the MRI because I was having double vision. When I was driving, it looked as though an oncoming car was coming right at me in my lane. My physician wanted to make certain I didn’t have a brain tumor. I had to drive with a patch over my right eye. After seeing a couple of specialists, the problem went away on its own. I finally figured out what happened. I was trying to raise a music stand at a rehearsal. The top of the stand came off and hit me under the right eye. There wasn’t any outward damage, but apparently a muscle was bruised. I never had any pain, but when I thought back when the double vision occurred, and realized it started after the rehearsal.
As far as self scanning checkouts are concerned, I have used them. I prefer going through a check out line with a real person. I grew up in the country. We did a lot of grocery shopping and filled up our car’s gas tank at a little gasoline and grocery owned by a fellow called Pete. Pete and his family had their living quarters behind the store. We charged our purchases and dad paid up at the end of every month. All we had to do was tell Pete what we needed and he would fetch it and put it on the counter. We could also get caught up on the latest neighborhood “news”.
A couple of years ago, I was purchasing a few items at Walmart. I looked over at the next checkout lane and the woman running the line played in the same band I played in, but she had to drop out. She saw me and left her line and came over and gave me a hug. You don’t get that personal attention from a machine.
Mrs. Triedaq is a country girl. She worked as a server in s small town restaurant. She always strikes up a conversation with the server when we go out to eat. I think restaurant employees must have some secret signal they exchange. I guess we are examples of "you can take a person out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the person. I just don’t care for the impersonal self scan checkouts.


The man or woman who works the self-checkout and types in their code to authorize my alcohol sales is a real person. I’m sure he or she will also hug you if that’s what you’re looking for at the Walmart checkout. :wink:

I avoid the self-checkouts because I don’t feel the need to help the store fire 3 checkers and leave just one to monitor 4-6 registers. Even if I were OK with the needless job losses, the store isn’t lowering its prices, so all that’s happening is that they’re making me a part of their labor force, only I have to pay for the privilege.

No thanks.

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You don’t want to get a hug from the people at my local Wall-Mart.

I like the Self checkouts and pump your own gas stations. Things move much faster. Also with pump-your-own-gas - the store doesn’t have to be open…just the pumps.

The store where I grocery shop does lower its prices, and they do it quite often.

@MikeInNH. I use my credit card and pump my own gas. I pulled into the pumps a month or so and the motorist ahead of me had gone in and prepaid for his gas. He prepaid $25 but he only got $21 in his tank. He offered to give me the remaining $4 for my car. All I had for change was $3.65. I gave him the $3.65 but I could have had $4.00 of free gasoline. Even so, I was in seventh heaven with 35¢ worth of free gasoline. I harked back to my high school days when Little Iodine and I could cruise around in the 1952 Dodge coupe all evening on 35¢ worth of gasoline.
As far as self checkout lines are concerned, I enjoy talking to people. I live just down the street from a Walmart and frequently shop there. Many of the employees who man the checkout lines recognize me. I’ve lived in the community since 1946 except for my college and graduate school years. I’ll admit to being an Indiana hick.

@Rod_Knox. Not only was milk delivered back in the old days as well as other groceries, but we had bread delivery from the Omar bakery. The Omar man in the Omar panel truck was a common sight in my community.

Not only dairy, groceries, and bread delivered, we had a service that delivered New Era potato chips in steel drums.
:palm_tree: :sunglasses::palm_tree:

A friend of mine reminded me recently that his uncle drove a truck for a local commercial laundry, in the '40s & '50s. The truck that this man was still driving in the '50s was an electric panel truck from the '30s. Perhaps we have come full-circle.

In my neck of the woods, it was Charles Chips that were delivered to homes and businesses in steel drums.

I know this is a family site, so I’ll phrase this as carefully as I can.

If I remember carefully, some of the children in the old neighborhood had an uncanny resemblance to the milkman, didn’t they? I’m sure it was just coincidence though.


My area growing up too. We never did…too expensive. In Salem NH there was a place called Granite Potato-chip…Not sure if they ever delivered…but until the late 90’s you could go there and get your tin filled.

Growing up in Central NY we did get Milk delivered. It’s the second largest Dairy region in the country. We lived just miles from a local Milk Plant (now closed). I still prefer milk delivered in bottles. But not available where I live now.

I’m not sure about it being entirely coincidence, though.

I mean, how often did you see little kids with mustaches and sideburns outside the delivery route?
:palm_tree: :sunglasses: :palm_tree:

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And when coffee was a nickel a cup cream was free in a bottle like this

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I just read this entire thread as best as I am able to read and comprehend. It quickly occurred to me that I am at a very rare loss for a comment of suitable intelligence to mingle in with those above.

Acknowledging the fact that I am rarely able to keep quiet and not comment, I am thus forced to resort to passing on information that I feel is NOT common knowledge in hopes of maintaining some semblance of an intelligent contributor on this website.

So I shall give you all my little known, insider information that follows below, for free mind you:

As many of you already know, I rode the short bus to school. However were any of you aware that despite the bus being half the length it drove at twice the speed and thusly was able to consistently deliver me to school early even with a late departure time? All those extra minutes gained by my early arrival at school has equated to almost another full year of high school studies and knowledge unavailable to those who rode on the “normal” bus. So, so there…take that…all you smartypantses.

Anyone got a name for that kind of logistics?


“Fever Dream.”



Beware the DARK HORSE seems an appropriate comment here. I feel if I reach any deeper I’ll pull back a nub…


Nah… I wouldn’t do that to you @Rod_Knox believe it or not I kinda like you man (I tend to respect those with solid mechanical knowledge as you clearly possess)…so, as my father used to tell me “You’re all right with me, no matter what they say”

Besides my therapist tells me that its “Not OK” to maim people. We argued about this a little but since I’m a Jocular type of fellow I used some Reverso-Pseudo-Psycho Kung Fu on her and let her think she was correct. Its currently still working… hehe