Unless you live under a rock, Unions are under attack!

You are wrong Mike NH, I don’t listen or watch Glenn Beck. I don’t watch Fox programs either. I’am flattered that some one on TV would be quoting me.Apparently other people besides myself think this is true.

These observations were way before Glenn Beck was ever heard of. I wouldn’t consider a Big Ten school small or bad, with an enrollment of over 30k students.Major Medical ,Psychology, and Music University.

And I’m sorry to say, but what you’re quoting is also an OPINION…NOT FACT…

I’ve NEVER heard of any decent university that has an AGENDA besides teaching. And if in fact you say is true…then the ONLY people who could possible be affected are people majoring in Sociology or maybe history. HOW do you do “Liberal Brainwashing” to a Computer Science major or a Physics major?? Sorry but all you have is an opinion…based on 0 FACT.

The core courses (three semesters of calculus, linear algebra, statistics) that that mathematics majors and the mathematics teaching majors take are exactly the same. Both sets of students are in the same classes together. These students also select from the same set of electives. In my opinion, one can not teach mathematics without knowing mathematics–one has to be a student of mathematics to be an effective teacher of mathematics.
I am fighting a battle to keep the amount of mathematics a CS major has to take at my institution from being reduced. Twenty five years ago I was invovled in a study where we were looking for predictors of success in the first computer science courses. One of the best predictors was success in calculus. Even though there isn’t much direct application of calculus in the beginning computer courses, the calculus helps develop the logical thinking that is necessary for programming.

I would have loved to major in History. After I hurt my back and went for retraining I mentioned this desire and I was told “no way, you must pick classes that lead to employment”, Voc Rehab was not buying any kind of rationalization that taking history classes would lead to employment. I got my FASA back today(student aid application) and listed on the bottom is the graduation rate for the school I go to, the rate listed is 10%. I don’t really think anyone cares to explain this low figure either. This rate last semester was 24.8 so I was suprised as I did not think it could go lower than that. For me college is not a waste of money but there sure are a lot of others out there that are just marking time.

You are absolutely right Mike NH. As an American who has lived in various countries and states, I have an opinion based on life experiences.

People with my background can observe this country from an outside perspective with an unbiased viewpoint. I am an independent voter.

As oldschool pointed out,and I agree, if you associate with the teachers’ viewpoint, you will receive a better grade.

I would guess that 70% of teachers vote for the Democratic party.

All college students have to take classes that have very little to do with their Major.
Didn’t you take Liberal Arts classes for the first two years of college?

“I’ve NEVER heard of any decent university that has an AGENDA besides teaching.”

So it would be fair to say you don’t consider Harvard a decent university? Until recently, at least, it had the agenda of changing U.S. Govt. policies on homosexuals in the military.

Catholic University, Notre Dame, Villanova, Georgetown, United States Military Academy, none of them decent universities in your view?

So it would be fair to say you don’t consider Harvard a decent university? Until recently, at least, it had the agenda of changing U.S. Govt. policies on homosexuals in the military.

BULL…Yea I know a LOT about Harvard…Have a daughter there working on her Doctorate…

What possible PROOF to you have in making a statement like that??? How were they even remotely involved…SECOND…How is that a LIBERAL AGENDA…THIRD…Border line bigotry…if NOT over the line…This is the 20th century…What does is matter to you what someones sexual orientation is…As a Vietnam Vet…I didn’t care if the guy next to me was gay or straight…All I cared about was would he protect me and the rest of the platoon.

Catholic University, Notre Dame, Villanova, Georgetown, United States Military Academy, none of them decent universities in your view?

First off…Notre Dame…Georgetown and the Military Academy’s are considered to teach CONSERVATIVE views…Not Liberal…An personally I don’t think they are a conservative school. They may have conservative values.

Truth is truth…doesn’t matter if you consider it liberal or conservative. Nixon was involved in Watergate…Reagan was involved in Iran-Contra…Yes they may be considered Liberal Views…but they are also the TRUTH. The fact that schools TEACH them does NOT make them a Liberal school.

Mike and oldwrench both have strong views and I bet or beter said “feel” that neither likes the extreme rhetoric of the past few years. It has almost turned me from one that enjoyed hashing out the nations problems into one of those that says “I don’t discuss politics” I did say “almost” because I will resist giving up, and saying “no more discussion” is giving up. Our nation is at a crossroads (my feeling) and strong views are going to come out, but if the nation feels anything like me then we are getting weary of arguing. I simply cannot remember such a divisive time. In regards to my comment about the teacher at college,it was 100% true,if I wrote a paper that supported her views on white privlidge or white guilt the grade came easy, any thing contrary was not well recieved. This one very young instructor (27 or so) was making the taking of her cultures well being her lifes work,all I wanted was help with my writing skills.I will say that I did gain some knowledge on how a minority woman views life in todays America and her view is that it is still a white male dominated society. People with this viewpoint are teaching in both the colleges and the High Schools, no I don’t want to silence her but I want to respond to her and not suffer grade wise.

I simply cannot remember such a divisive time. In regards to my comment about the teacher at college,it was 100% true,if I wrote a paper that supported her views on white privlidge or white guilt the grade came easy, any thing contrary was not well recieved. This one very young instructor (27 or so) was making the taking of her cultures well being her lifes work

That’s ONE teacher…NOT a whole university …and they surely don’t have a culture that they are forcing their so-called liberal view down someones throat.

And Yes I have taken liberal arts…and I’ve had teachers with a very conservative view point…and teachers with a liberal bias…NEVER DID EITHER TEACHER try to push their view point. And since I’m fairly moderate I had views that didn’t agree with either teacher. One teacher was very anti-Nam…war protester… considered us soldiers as baby killers…Needless to say we didn’t get along at times…I got an A in his class. Even with this teachers view…I never saw that is was a Conspiracy by the school to teach these so-called liberal views.

“What possible PROOF to you have in making a statement like that??? How were they even remotely involved…”

I guess you didn’t follow the confirmation of Elena Kagan. Harvard’s position on gays in the military during her tenure has been in all the papers.


I never said it was. See my earlier post, reproduced below. No need to attribute to me positions which I do not hold.

“…THIRD…Border line bigotry…if NOT over the line”

I’m unclear on where you’re going with that, or even what you’re talking about.

“…This is the 20th century…What does is matter to you what someones sexual orientation is…As a Vietnam Vet…I didn’t care if the guy next to me was gay or straight…All I cared about was would he protect me and the rest of the platoon.”

Well, good for you. To my mind that makes you a right thinking person.

On the other hand, last time I checked, this is NOT the 20th century.

Again, you’re a little unclear. And again, you’re the one who has just recently introduced the word “liberal” into our exchange.

“I’ve NEVER heard of any decent university that has an AGENDA besides teaching.”

So it would be fair to say you don’t consider Harvard a decent university? Until recently, at least, it had the agenda of changing U.S. Govt. policies on homosexuals in the military.

Catholic University, Notre Dame, Villanova, Georgetown, United States Military Academy, none of them decent universities in your view?

My history teacher at the same school expressed his viewpoint/opinion on when torture should be allowed to be used and exactly what kind of torture. A student reported this event and the teacher was not asked back for the next semester. There definitly is a direction that the administration wants and will allow the discussion to move.

Stop whining. I was a union member for 31 years. But, we did not make $100,000 year with benefits. The people paying the taxes in Wisconsin are making on average half the unions are getting, which is well above similar work in other states. We simply cannot afford to keep on paying government unions that much money from tax money. It’s not like factory work where the product is sold to pay for wages. This is extracted plain and simple from tax payers at gunpoint.

And you know for a FACT that was the reason he wasn’t asked back???

I’ve gone to a few universities…taught at one…kids in different schools…and NOT one had a “Agenda”. There may be a more liberal slant…but as I said…they all allow different views…that’s the whole idea of learning.

If these colleges are so called “Liberal Education” then they aren’t doing a very good job at it…The VAST majority of people in this country are moderates…The VAST majority of college graduates are moderates…I seriously doubt they have much of an influence. And Harvard is considered by the Conservatives to the the #1 “Liberal Teaching” college in the country…it’s amazing as to ALL the Conservatives that apply there. And that the Conservative companies all over the world recruit very heavily there…Obviously they don’t think it’s a problem.

Now I do know that some Ultra Conservatives consider a Liberal Education is any school that doesn’t teach…"Creationism…and a Christian education. For those people…YUP…I agree it… that narrow view of “Liberal Teaching”… then pretty much ALL universities in the country are Liberal…with the exception of 2-3 who’s degree is about as useful as toilet paper.

Harvard’s position on gays in the military during her tenure has been in all the papers.

Gays in the Military has NOTHING to do with Liberal or Conservative…I can show you several Liberal Democrats who don’t think Gays should be in the Military. It has EVERYTHING to do with being a BIGOT.

Until recently, at least, it had the agenda of changing U.S. Govt. policies on homosexuals in the military.

First…read response above…

Second…Harvard made NO STANCE what-so-ever on homosexuals in the military…There were some professors and students who did…so what…That does NOT prove that Harvard has an Agenda.

Catholic University, Notre Dame, Villanova, Georgetown, United States Military Academy, none of them decent universities in your view?

Of course their decent universities…NEVER EVER SAID THEY WEREN’T. What I said was they DON’T HAVE AN AGENDA…They may have a school with Conservative Values…but they also teach the students FACTS…Not VIEWS. GOOD Schools teaches you how to think…It’s IMPOSSIBLE to teach you how to think if you’re given just a ONE-SIDED-VIEW. All universities mentioned DON’T. I’m sure you can find some teachers who have their own agenda…but the university as a whole…NO.

The exodus has started. In some cities, where Tea Party mayors were elected, public servants have had their pay cut. Some of them have found private sector jobs and quit, but others are looking, and when they are gone, the quality of service you receive from your government will decline.

I can’t wait to see the chickens come home to roost. Those Tea Partiers who were responsible for closing public schools and shutting down firehouses will be the first ones to complain when the crime rate goes up and response times for emergency services double or triple.

Here are some more.

In fact I do Mike. Shortly after his “use of torture” lecture he made an announcement. The announcement included the information that he would not be returning and that he wished the student that reported the torture lecture would have come to him before making the report to the administration. I bet he does wish that student had come to him first. I am on this Professors mailing list and in 1 year I have recieved at least 1000 anti-administration (that be Obama administration) emails.I certainly support his right to work within the law in his off campus time but I don’t support him bringing this type of opinion to class,and yes he is also on the “Creationism bandwagon” (but not as a Professor anymore).A man of strong religious beliefs thats also supports the use of tourture, not so suprising after just one read of the old testameant

hose Tea Partiers who were responsible for closing public schools and shutting down firehouses

This had nothing to do with Tea Partiers…but the result is the same…

Some NH towns had a problem when Lawrence MA did some drastic cuts into their fire department…Surrounding towns were second responders to Lawrence MA when they couldn’t handle the load…Some NH towns were part of those responders. What was happening was Lawrence couldn’t handle more then two fires at a time. If there were 3 fires in the city…they had to call on help. This was getting out of control. NH towns were taking the burden of Lawrence cutting their fire department.

Second…Harvard made NO STANCE what-so-ever on homosexuals in the military…There were some professors and students who did…so what…That does NOT prove that Harvard has an Agenda.

You must be living under a rock!
They just recently allowed the ROTC back since the ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ policy was repealed. I suppose you don’t consider THAT an agenda or a political stance unrelated to simply TEACHING young minds the FACTS…


If that’s the norm at that school then I feel bad for that school…A school needs diverse ideas to be a good institution and give the students a good education. Change is inevitable.