Trouble ahead for German car manufacturers?

@shanonia The thing is, the electorial college cancels out the undue influence of places like LA, Chicago, and New York. Otherwise the rest of us might as well stay home. It’s in the seldom read Constitution. Actually it was something like over 3000 counties won compared to a few hundred. Kind of a landslide. Remember the 1960 election? I do, and there weren’t riots in the street because Nixon said he would not put the country through that even though a number of analysts said he actually won but who knows? Country comes first.

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So one person one vote doesn’t matter. Why is a LA resident’s vote less important than a Cody resident’s? Who cares about counties? What nonsense.


@texases I dunno, Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson didn’t think it was non-sense. That’s also why we have a Senate and a House of Representatives so that a state like South Dakota is not bowled over by a state like California. And not every person always had one vote. They do it differently in other countries that one may or may not like to live in.

At any rate its good news for Mercedes and the Germans.

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Trump is NOT the source. CNN may be biased…but they are far more factual then Trump (over 3,000 verifiable lies since taking office and counting) or Fox (triple the number of Trumpy lies). But it’s not just CNN reporting this. The WSJ, Forbes, NBC, CBS…Only Fox and trumpy report it differently

The one thing YOU, trumpy and Fox miss - is there’s more to the deficit then just goods. Keep forgetting to add services. When you add in our Trade SURPLUS on services - it’s about even.

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And Thomas Jefferson believed the Constitution should be thrown and re-written every 19 - 20 years.

It is because of Jefferson that we have one of the few Constitutions in the world that can be amended to change with times. The GREATNESS of the founding fathers was NOT that they knew everything for all times, but that they KNOW they didn’t and thus allowed for the Constitution to change as our country evolved.

BTW - I’m not for the Electoral college being eliminated. But some changes could make it better. I know Maine is different. Electoral votes are split based on the populist vote. I think 1 or 2 other states are also.

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You could do that. There are a number of light-sport planes with half of a Type 1 VW engine for a power plant. :wink:


Pull quote:

The U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis announced today that the goods and services deficit was $43.1 billion in May, down $3.0 billion from $46.1 billion in April, revised.

Well, I guess you could call a Chevy V-8 a “motorcycle engine”.

Or even an “airplane engine”

Actually, Trump WAS the source of that quote that was quoted out of context by CNN. It was a transcript of a news conference. Whether he told the truth or not is irrelevant. I’m talking about CNN, not Trump.
It doesn’t matter if what Trump said is true or not, if you misrepresent what he said, then you are being less than honest in your reporting.

That’s a heck of an understatement . . . :smiley:

Back when I was a little kid and didn’t know anything about anything, I used to wonder why someone didn’t put a Countach engine in their Cessna. Now I know better, but the little boy in me still thinks it would be awesome. :wink:

I edited my post that began the ongoing difference of opinion. It now reads “motorcycle STYLE engine.”

That STYLE of engine was all that Honda and his engineers were familiar with so it was logical for them to base their first automobile engine on what they new best and had production facilities easily able to make the changes to enable production of an air cooled parallel twin engine with a front wheel drive drive train. But that’s more than anyone wants to read and certainly more than I wanted to type…

I wonder if it had a roller bearing crankshaft like all the early Honda air cooled twins used.
When Honda came out with their CB750 four, it was their first motorcycle engine that used an automotive style crank with sleeve style bearings for the crank mains and connecting rods. (their first, not the first)
It wouldn’t surprise me if it had a motorcycle style oil bath clutch also.
I saw one of those cars once and the engine certainly looked like a motorcycle style engine even though no Honda two wheeler actually used that engine.

Can we please steer away from the electoral college/media bias thread of this conversation? Thanks.