Having trouble putting it in 4 wheel drive. Can I lube the transfer case?
No. That is striclly prohibited by US and international law.
That is not a fair response. It is funny but not fair. If you want to help then help and dont be snarky.
Not knowing the milage or maintenance you may be a bit late on the lube. 4x4 maintinence is not for the faint of heart. Do it or see the beast die. What are the issues? Noises? Vibrations?
What type of shift control system does it have? A lever coming up from the floorboards or a switch on the dash??
Alright, alright. You’ll need to remove the large pivot bolt (7/8" wrench required) and wire brush the rust off os it. Clean the nylon bushings and apply anti-sieze to all of these things upon re-assembly. This is a common problem with the setup on that F-series.