Traffic law changes for 2024

Lots of major drug busts from traffic stops on the interstate freeway. Makes you wonder what percentage is getting through?

They don’t have red light cameras in mn cuz state doesn’t want to hassle owner of car. Since they can’t prove who was driving. But they will track you down if you drive by schoolbus with flashing stop sign. Gotta protect the kids. Yep

Unfortunately, no laws can force drivers to operate their vehicles in a safe, sane manner. Yesterday, I was headed to the regional mall in order to do my powerwalk inside, out of the cold. On the way there, on a 4 lane roadway, I was in the process of passing another vehicle when an oncoming 18-wheeler was driving 1.5 to 2 ft OVER the yellow line. In order to avoid being crushed, I had to cut in front of the vehicle in the right lane much more closely than I normally would. But, because that driver didn’t honk at me, I think that he/she probably saw the reason for my cutting them off.

Then, I got to the mall, where the perimeter roadway is two lanes in one direction, and one lane in the other. The car in front of me drove almost the entire length of that perimeter roadway–at a fairly high speed–on the wrong side of the double yellow line.
A couple of oncoming cars had to swerve to avoid that jerk.

The dangerous driving behavior of some other drivers–including those who are considered to be “professionals”–never ceases to appall me.


Have a friend on a 2 lane highway, and right turn lane is in front of their property. Bus had to stop in regular traffic lanes and had a few close calls with people passing the bus in the turn lane, the exit side of the bus for the kids!

In my area, the school bus drivers have become quite skilled at stopping diagonally in the roadway when they pick up and drop off kids. It is either impossible or close to impossible for a car to pass them.


My neck of the woods, a deputy would call for backup if they knew in advance that it was a “Catholic School party” Wouldn’t have been able to find a can of Coke within a mile…

I’ve always been tempted to confessing to kidnapping the Lindbergh baby or Judge Crater or Jimmy Hoffa - but didn’t.

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Jimmy Hoffa has been found they scraped the makeup off Tammy Bakers face.


I loved comedian Ron White talking about when he got arrested for being drunk in public.

“The officer informed me I had the right to remain silent. But I didn’t have the ability to do so.”


Good for them. Some of our school busses use to have these long arms that fold when the flashing red light is on to stop cars trying to pass. Most were knocked off by drivers passing the stopped school bus.

Isn’t Coca Cola allowed to be served at a Catholic-church functions? Speaking of Coca Cola, I was watching a tv game show from the 80’s the other night, and they said it was impossible to purchase Coca Cola anywhere in the entire country of India. Wondering why?

My lawyer told me to always reply “What’s the problem officer?”. Then continue saying that until they stop asking.

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Because the Catholic kids I knew were mostly heavy drinkers, some starting at age 14!
And it was frowned upon to “dilute” drinks with Coke or OJ…just straight up!

India’s Supreme Court demanded that Coca-Cola reveal its secret recipe — guarded for the past 120 years — so that the allegations of high pesticide levels could be verified with further tests. Coca-Cola pulled out of India in 1977 after the government insisted that it reveal the formula. Aug 7, 2006

India Widens Ban on Coke and Pepsi



Followed by “am I free to go?”
Lather, rinse, repeat…if necessary.

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