To fix or not to fix?

I own a 98 Olds Achieva that i bought used w 26k and it now has 80k on it. The car has the usual collection of dings and I was sideswiped by a hit and run driver who was never caught so the left frt fender and liner are shot- there is no frt bumper and the drivers mirror is snapped off. I just replaced a head gasket on the lemon of a 3.1 liter v6 ( the second time since I bought the car) and that was a cool 1000.00- My question is should I buy some used bolt on parts and have the car painted and drive it another couple of years or should I just scrap it and start over ? The book value of the veh is about 3000.00 if it is mint condition and I guestimate the parts (self installed) at about 1000.00 plus painting. What to do?

If I was doing this I wouldn’t put any time or money into it. I’d sell it as is and move on.

You can drive it until the next malfunction. It doesn’t have to look good. A used fender won’t cost too much and a bumper doesn’t have to be perfect either. The mirror doesn’t even have to match. This is when owning a car is great: there’s no pressure. If you can learn to stop caring too much. It’s your metal (plastic) and you can goof around with it.

That’s a tough call to make. I’d suggest looking on and see what people are getting for one of those. It would surprise me if one of those would bring anywhere near $3k. I think the money needed to fix everything would be better spent on another car and dump the Olds on craigslists. If you could live with it beat and ugly for a while, fix the minimal things to make it legal like the bumper and mirror, and get some of your investment back from use for a while.