I would imagine things got pretty tense around there after staring at the walls and being totally unable to keep customers from walking away from this situation. Ouch.
Back in the 80s I worked for Nissan and they announced they were going to start a team pay plan in the service department. The idea was that every mechanic would get the same amount of flat rate hours.
So the guys who were really working hard and producing were having hours taken out of their pay check to give to mechanics who were loitering around the coffee pot and taking days off to go fishing.
One mechanic gets 60 hours for the week, another has 30, so they take 15 hours away from the 60 guy and give to the 30 guy so both will have 45. “This would make it fair and relieve tensions due to someone making more money than the next guy over”.
You can only imagine how well this Socialist program worked.
Imagine a salesman making 10 sales on the week and another salesman making 6 so they take 2 away from the 10 guy so both have 8 commissions. No way.