The Libertarian Police Department

I have to agree about theACA being a give away to the insurance industry. state mandated extortion, in my view, but saying Obama expanded gunrights is laughable, imho. the supreme court enforced the second amendment during his term, but I don t remember any amicus brief from the white house. Obama pretended to support the 2nd amendment to get elected

I think that Barrack Obama is a realist who recognizes that ideologies must be tempered by public sentiment. If single payer were politically feasible he would have pushed for it. And personally, I believe that single payer is inevitable.

Our greatest political challenge is the ability of media marketing to sway public opinion and the unrestricted access to media marketing by organizations intent on maximizing their own best interest regardless of the cost to Main St America.

@Whitey, Single payer was what the President wanted but couldn’t deliver because of the moderates in his own party but he very much wanted it and said so in speeches. @wesw is right, in no way did Obama expand gun rights nor did he promise such. He proclaimed to want very aggressive legislation to limit 2nd amendment rights and was threatening executive orders to achieve it. As for Gitmo, he was faced with the reality of why it needs to be there and rejected by his cronies in Illinois as well as other states when attempting to bring the detainees onshore. As for drones, I’m not sure this speaks to ideology as much as command and control. As for tax cuts for the rich… which rich? Where? The ones who got an increased rate from 30 to 39.5% (over $450,000 for marrieds)? Or the ones who got their rates raised from 10% to 15% for those “rich” making under $40,000?

I can provide footnotes to all these figures as well as clips of President and candidate Obama proclaiming all of this.

@wesw: “…saying Obama expanded gunrights is laughable, imho.”

Oh, please. As I said, there is a pretty wide divide between reality and how some people try to characterize Obama. Thank you for providing a prime example.

Obama signed a law that lets people carry guns in national parks, and he signed a law that allows Amtrak passengers to carry guns in checked luggage. These two laws are a matter of fact, not opinion.

This is the a prime example of the difference between dogmatic propaganda and reality:

Oh and MikeInNH, Limbaugh collected unemployment insurance after being laid off by the KC Royals. Quite different than welfare as it is insurance paid by the employer on the employee’s behalf rather than paid by the taxpayer indirectly to the recipient.

Same thing for Ayn Rand collecting Social Security, she paid into it and received benefits from it.

Oh and MikeInNH, Limbaugh collected unemployment insurance after being laid off by the KC Royals.

When his unemployment insurance ran out…he collected welfare. Not for long…but he did collect it.

And lets not forget his Drug Conviction. Or how he managed to get out of the draft…both considered to be no-no’s by conservatives.

…and let’s not forget how the ACLU came to Rush Limbaugh’s defense when he got busted with pills to treat his erectile dysfunction that had someone else’s name on the label. For a guy who goes around calling women “sluts” you’ve got to wonder what he was doing with those pills when he was unmarried.

Isn’t it funny how a guy who is supposed to support law and order lawyers up as soon as he gets caught doctor shopping? I wonder if he still thinks drug addicts should be locked up.

For a guy who goes around calling women "sluts" you've got to wonder what he was doing with those pills when he was unmarried.

I forget - was that after his second marriage or his third marriage? But at least he’s the self proclaimed champion of family values.

at least he edited out the part where he called people idiots. so I removed my abuse flag

how did rush Limbaugh come up? does anybody still listen to him? I certainly don t, and never did. …even a blind squirrel finds the occasional acorn tho.

I realized they’re not all idiots. Some of these people deliberately attempt to deceive people by lying. I decided not to give you the benefit of the doubt by assuming the false information you posted was an act of carelessness.

…somebody needs a hug!

how did rush Limbaugh come up? does anybody still listen to him? I certainly don t, and never did. ....even a blind squirrel finds the occasional acorn tho.

He’s still the #1 radio talk show host in the nation. How…I have no idea. Well actually I do. I know a couple of people who listen to him…about as dumb and uninformed as he is. And that’s the type of people he appeals to.

How TRUE Americans can listen to this Draft Dodging Drug addict is beyond comprehension.

Please explain to me several things that I genuinely do not understand.
First, why aren’t libertarians card carrying members of the ACLU ?
Secondly, I get that protecting personal and civil rights and freedom as bestowed on us by the bill of rights is the primary responsibility of govt…why does a libertarian believe that does not apply to corporate America. Is it that every dollar spent constitutes a vote ? If that is the case, why wouldn’t wealthy people naturally have more rights then those with less ?

I used to listen occasionally, just to know what the enemy was thinking. it was just too much tho. he makes me physically ill

I agree with about half of what any particular party espouses. which leaves me an independent who votes while holding his nose. sometimes left sometimes right.

@dagosa: who says they don’t? Defining an ideology by satire is problematic. Coporations absolutely can infringe upon personal liberties…and being private-sector, they do it a hell of a lot more effeiciently than the public sector does.////Sorry, but that strawman needs to be fleshed out a bit to be believable, @dag.

Am just referring to those on the national level. The basic tenants to me, seem admirable. They almost mimick the ACLU and many peoples general belief. But everything seems to come to a screeching haul, waiting for the private sector to build our infrastructure, clean our waterways from privately funded pollution and provide equal civil rights to all. Waiting around for the cigarette smokers to all die off before I can take a plane ride and not breath second hand smoke, seems a tad inefficient to me. Funding our own autopsies on our relatives just so we can sue a food distributor doesn’t seem to enhance my civil rights when the FDA is disbanded because by their definition, it’s not national defense enough.

Bottom line, I can’t tell fact from fiction when it comes to libertarian beliefs. I have devote, they say, libertarian friends who “worship” Rush Limbaugh and the quicksand ( meaning shifting of beliefs) he walks on. They all sound like Rs.

When there is a national calamity, libertarians suspend their beliefs and run to the govt. if their wealth is threatened during war time and recessions/ depressions, looking for a monotary or defensive bailout. They then put their faith in science and technology and with the cooperation of industry, they give their full support. Once their monies are secure, it’s back to traditional beliefs, especially when those less fortunate are in need. Let the unregulated market place care for them, I’ll let the govt. take care of me in times of my choosing. It seems like a belief of convenience…

I really did not think the article that far off from what is esposed by my lib friends. Writing it in words does sound a little far off…but that’s what they say…privatize everything, including police forces.

Since a picture is worth a thousand words, here are two. I figure I’ll keep this fair and balanced. :wink: