The eternal question: to warm or not to warm

Some people love the snow and the cold. I’m not one of them. If my budget were willing, I’d move to the Gulf coast of Florida in a heartbeat. That was my original retirement plan, but life had other plans for me. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I am with your son, fortunately retired lets me avoid it where we live because it does not stay long here.

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lol … I used to live in the mountains of Colorado, winter temperatures in that range you mention were not uncommon at all. Cold winter temperatures were never a bother to me. Cold and snowing Colorado winters, cold and rainy San Jose winters, pretty much the same thing. Maybe Colorado winters could be claimed even better than San Jose in some ways, with snow at least you can just brush it off your jacket. Rain soaks through. eeeks.

The difference between San Jose and Colorado for me isn’t the winter, it’s the summer. Much cooler here in San Jose in the summer, especially at night.

The thing about winter is if you want it’s a good time to just sit back and do what you want inside. Projects, read, etc. and once in a while clean the driveway when it snows. We get away for a few weeks usually but with seasons, you have deadlines and objectives. Down there its all the same day after day except in the summer when it’s really hot. I don’t like driving in the winter though either.

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I too am in the camp of letting a vehicle warm up in the morning to meet any desire of cabin warmth.

I occasionally hear: “it wastes gas”,
I consider it less worse than the wasted gas used to go back to the grocery store for forgotten milk, (or equivalent non-essential local trips).

Having grown up in Buffalo, NY, I miss the snow, but the things that keep me living in Florida are being able to ride a motorcycle all year and a low tax burden. I can’t fathom having to mothball my favorite mode of transportation for half of every year. The temperature this morning was a chilly 65 degrees (F), enough to make me wear a leather jacket and leather gloves, but not enough to force me to install the windshield, wear my cold weather gloves, or put on my leather chaps.

You can keep your cold weather. I’ll keep riding. :grin:

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all those blue areas beat the snot out of 0 or -18…

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Here’s where the heated seats come into play. My seats were toasty warm in about a minute. I’ll never have another car without that feature…until I move to the tropics…

LOL, I’ve heard that bun warmers were good. :grin:

How about heated steering wheel? How do you like it guys?

…and then there is this perspective, from Popular Mechanics magazine:
