Tesla Roadster

Lots of moves, especially business moves, are around town.

I donā€™t dispute that bed bug haulers do a lot of local moves where an electric might be serviceable. I just think it is not smart from a business perspective to plunk money down for delivery so far in the future with an unsure product. So the guy that did it would either be out the door or loading trucks if it were me.

It seems like kind of a cult of electric believers and that really should not be a part of smart business decisions. Companies around here have converted trucks to propane for the shorter trips and have had some decent results. But they are able to do that with existing fleets with more proven technology. Garbage trucks might be a better place to start since they are all local trips and the same frame can be used for other utility trucks. Then you wouldnā€™t have to worry about a wide network of chargers to make it work. Of course that wouldnā€™t have the same marketing impact which I think is what this is all about.


Seems to be the opposite of ā€˜donā€™t buy until the kinks are worked outā€™.
And it seems to completely ignore how the first owners seem to be beta testers too.

A ā€˜cultā€™ kind of fits these behaviors.

for a good while now iā€™m tired of my car and iā€™m thinking about getting myself a tesla roadster. but as a normal human being, i had to see what people think/ say about this car, so thanks a lot for the information i found here, so far! do you people mind if iā€™m going to have some questions to ask about it?

You can ask all you want , but I donā€™t know of any regular poster here that has a Tesla. You would be better served to search the web for Tesla road tests and forums just for Tesla. Consumer Reports may have done one.

What is the lead time for an ICE tractor?

You suppose if you did not want your kid accelerating so fast you could leave the heater on high? Kind of like the old under powered cars with lousy brakes, need to slow down fast, turn on the AC :rofl: