Ted Rall cartoon about self-driving cars

Where I live we get a average of 2 or 3 weeks with possible ice storm’s & enougfh overnight freezing temp’s to have black ice in the morning’s.

Recent Asiana Air news report. A flight departed Perth Australia bound for somewhere in Asia. Sometime later they made a rapid descent from 30,000 feet to 10,000 Feet and returned safely to Perth. Not much information in the article but sounds like a proper procedure for loss of cabin pressure. More interesting was a file photo of 3 Asiana Air jetliners sporting the company slogan “Now Everyone Can Fly”. Conspicuously missing was the fine print underneath. “With the exception of at least two of our poorly trained pilots”.


I have to deal with fog, sometimes so dense that you can’t see the landmarks you drive by on the road, especially early in the morning when it’s still dark outside.
The interstate highway is usually fog free mostly because every car going down the road = a 2-3 gallon per hour bonfire as far as heat is concerned. From the air, I remember seeing a thick fog blanket on the ground except you could clearly see where I 35 was because the fog was burned off there.
All the back roads seem to follow some river or creek so it’s best to use the freeway.

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Was that the flight where the cabin crew was screaming worse than the passengers? Yeah everyone can fly, assisted or not, but not everyone can land.

“A good landing is one you walk away from. A great landing is one after which you can use the plane again.”

Yes that is the one where the cabin crew panicked. You will always eventually land. Gravity. It’s a law.

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And with a twin engine if one fails there is nothing to worry about. The good engine will get you to the crash site.


ETOPS: Engines Turn Or Passengers Swim. :smiley:

It’s not the fall that kills you… :wink:
It’s that sudden stop at the bottom! :grimacing:
CSA :astonished: