Start up after driven difficult

I have an 89 Volvo 244 DL series. I have had a complete tune-up, and oil change just recently. Battery works great, plenty of voltage, even had the fuel injection cleaned out. Problem is the car starts right up when it is cold, however, after driving it and let it set for an hour the car starts up slower and immediately it stalls out. I do it again and the same thing happens and then I leave my foot on the pedal to keep it running at a higher idle for a bit and then place into a gear & it goes without any hesitation. If by chance I do not leave foot on pedal and put it in whatever gear it immediately stalls out. I have driven Volvo’s for years, from the 70’s to what I have currently. I never had encounter anything like this and have dealt with many other issues and this one has me baffled. Any idea what could be causing this problem?

Fuel injected? If so some component is getting “heat soaked” in the hot engine compartment.
Could be the ignition coil or the ignition module.

Carburetor? It could be vapor lock.

If carburetor, the choke may be closing too much for a partially warm engine to start. Sometimes it’s tough to fix, other times you change the choke pull-off or dashpot and everything is OK again.

This sounds similar to what I just went through. Its really simple look for the crankshaft position sensor cable. Its at the back of the block between the block and the firewall, and connects to the bell housing at the base of the engine before going into the transmission. If its frayed, cracked, or shorting out at the connector replace it. if the cable looks good, let us know I have a long series of other diagnostics to try.
To the other reader the 240s have been fuel injected since mid 80’s, sadly before I was born.

“To the other reader the 240s have been fuel injected since mid 80’s”

Actually Volvo began using fuel injection about a decade earlier than that.

My '74 Volvo, bought new and maintained better than the mfr specified, was a mechanical disaster area and the absolute worst, least reliable car that I ever owned. Among its really bad features was the Constant Injection (CI) system, an early and very trouble-prone fuel injection system.

To the best of my recollection, Volvo began using fuel injection around 1972.

In addition to the other answers, check the ignition amplifier located next to the battery on the fender. The heat sink paste degrades over time.

Okay, thanks for everyone’s input. I’ll give it a shot this weekend when the weather is a lot more cooler and comfortable to check it out and keep in touch on the results.

JPaww got me to remember that some cars have had fuel injection since before (pick a date in the 80s), I can’t seem to do it.

You can also have vacuum leaks when hot or AMM is going south … Check all the tubing to manifold and to fuel pressure regulator.