Sports Car

“Naaah, you’ll want an SLK. ;-)”

Talk about chick cars, the SLK is the ultimate chick car (even my daughter’s dance teacher drives one).

Personally, I’ll take a SL instead (when I’m old enough); either a '55-63 (W121), a '57-63 (W198, not the gull wing), or a '63-71 (W113). The new ones don’t interest me very much; everyone and his brother already has a R107.

“BTW, the Lotus Elise and Exige use the same engine! Of course, Lotus does not use it as-delivered from Toyota.”

Sad, they should have just retired the Lotus name.

There are cheap cars for almost every make and model. There are very expensive vettes too. You get what you pay for in that regard. This one happens to fit within the OP’s price criteria and it’s no slouch in acceleration or corner carving ability. Styling? Well, to each their own but this vette beats most of the ones mentioned in this price range hands down IMO.

maybe in a few years (when I hit 60) I’ll understand
Most people are the opposite- they can’t handle the horsepower and speed as they age. When they do get older, they pick out cars that look fast but aren’t. When you’re sixty, a schoolyard swing will be exciting enough… :slight_smile:

Every vette I see around here is driven by a geezer (especially the guys that go to the shows with the nice ones). Based on the OPs posts, I really don’t think that’s what she’s looking for (they have nothing in common with classic british sports cars except for the fact they have two seats). Personally, I don’t have much use for any “sports car” (as opposed to a roadster) with the engine in front. IMO, the vette is more of a GT (like a 928) than a sports car. The new ones are just trying to be low budget “super-cars.” IMHO, they pretty much define the term “ugly american” (I picture a 60 year old overweight guy with gold chains, a cigar, and a cowboy hat stuffed into a vette trying to impress the girl at the McDonalds drive up window).

I do understand that they are a good way to go fast on the cheap, but I could never get past the funny looks (or the “viagra” image). Also, I hate the visibility from the drivers seat and I really don’t like sitting that far back in the car. If you like them, you should buy them; but they are definitely not for everyone. Also, I don’t buy any american cars.

convertable mazda miata mazdaspeed. you’d fly in that thing!

You’re right. I keep forgetting about the 3rd generation MR2 because I never liked its looks. Since it is a Toyota, I would expect it to be even more reliable than a Miata. smujeep should read some old road tests on the two of them. The public library should have back issues of Road & Track and Car & Driver.

Good luck finding an MR2 that hasn’t been riced out.

convertable mazda miata mazdaspeed. you’d fly in that thing!

Who drives a 1968 240D? I picture a 60-year old guy with impossibly tangled full-face beard and hair (what’s left of it) in a 40-year old tie-dyed shirt and wearing Birkenstocks.

“Sad, they should have just retired the Lotus name.”

Everyone should drive a 50 year old car that goes from 0 to 60 in 60 seconds, dontcha think?

If my memory serves me right, Lotus always used some one else’s motors. The much loved Espirit had a rover V8 and a Renault Transmission. The new one proudly carries on the tradition with the Toyota motor and a hand made body. And best of all the new Exige doesnt even have an airbag. Not that it would have mattered.
If you really like a mid engine car MR2 is your best bet. The least riced out model is the MR2 Mark 2 turbo. 1990 - 1997(?)

You are correct, but in the past it wasn’t an asian engine. IMO, that was the end of the real lotus. As I said, sad.

If your looking for a classic sports car you better be able to swing a wrench. British sports cars have great styling but they were never know for reliability. To answer your question I say you look for a Triumph TR6. The best looking of classic sports cars.

A Miata for sure! So much fun to drive plus it won’t be in the shop every other day.

NB - Buy snowtires if you plan on driving it in the winter.

When all is said and done, the Miata is probably the most fun for the money without the hassle. What made the old underpowered MGs fun to drive was the combination of noise, vibration and rock-hard springs made 60mph seem like 90 in a regular car.

The Miata is probably too civilized for purists, who would relish a Morgan with non-adjustable seats and wooden(ash!) frame.

A friend of mine has an Austin Healy 6 (3000), immaculately restored, and with wind-up windows. He only takes it out in nice weahter, and is afraid somehting will get damaged, becauce repairs and replacements are time-consuming and expensive.

So, if had to choose a sporty and affordable machine it would be a Miata or a Mini-Cooper with the most powerful engine. At least I would be asuured of service and parts.

Lotus has for some years now been owned by the Malaysian National Car Company, who bought it to get engineering into their locally developed line of cars, such as the Waja, a cute, but fragile compact.

This company is now in trouble becuse of the South East Asian Free Trade agreement is making them uncompetitive.

I was I Malaysia when the Elise was launched, and the concept of reliability was absent throughout the company.

Although they have 2 nice manufacturing plants, they concentrate only on assembly quality, not intrinsic quality and durability, much like traditional British manufacturers.

So, don’t espect a reliable Lotus anytime soon.

I don’t know (there’s no such thing as a 1968 240D), but my wife drives a '83 240D. I wouldn’t mind having a '68 220D, a very cool little car, that looks like this:

BTW, I’m not quite 60 yet (almost 50 though), my full beard is trimmed pretty short (only tangled when I ride my motorcycle), and I still have plenty of (gray) hair in a pretty impressive pony tail (if I do say so myself), and my wife threw out all my tie dye years ago (although I do have a decent tee shirt collection). If you want to make fun of me, you need to better than that (check with my kids if you need some help). At least I don’t drive plastic cars.

I gotta say though…when it comes to the Lotus and its looks, performance, and fun-to-drive factor…who cares about reliability? There’s few cars I’ll say that about, but the Lotus Elise and Exige are exceptions. Plus, with a Toyota engine, very few gadgets/luxury items, how bad can they really be?

I second (third? fourth? Eh, whatever) the Miata idea, but I just love the Honda S2000. The S2000 was meant to compete with the Boxster (which I also love, but these have issues with the rear main seal that are extremely exasperating. Just google “Porsche Boxster rear main seal” and have your pick at HUNDREDS of web pages devoted to that single issue).

I don’t think you’ll get an S2000 for under $15,000, but you might come close. How flexible on pricing are you? If it came down to between $18k for an S2000 (which doesn’t meet your price criteria) vs $12k for a Miata, I think I’d be pretty torn.

I guess beauty really is in the eye of the beholder! That’s a cool car??? BWHAHAHAHAH. Thanks for the gut laugh!