Splitting Lanes

One of the rants on file deals with passing on the right. My favorite rant is motorcycles that split lanes. I can’t believe it is legal. The excuse that bikes will over heat if they have to sit in traffic is totally bogus.

I believe it is illegal where I live. I know I certainly would not try that trick on my bike. I have never had my bike come close to overheating.

One day, some guy sitting in his car will look in his rear view mirror while he’s stuck in rush hour traffic and see some guy riding between cars on his motorbike, then open his car door when the bike rider gets really close to his car out of spite/road rage. If it hasn’t already happened.

My air cooled Triumph has not overheated yet, but I am not sure how it will do in a parade. I have some Triumph buds thinking about it for this year, I can let you know after July 4, hey wait I don’t know if I have a temp gauge or light, rtfm.

I don’t believe it’s legal in NH, but my son tells me it’s legal in California. I think it’s nuts.

I don’t believe it’s legal in NH

It’s NOT…I know it’s NOT legal in MA, NH, NY and TN…It too think it’s NUTS to allow this.

Illegal in IL. Anybody with any sense would not do it since the car sitting might open a door or swing the nose of their car over just for spite (small minded things for small minded people).

Sitting for awhile? Kill switch, it starts with a push of a button.

Splitting lanes is legal in Cali when traffic is at a standstill. If you are stopped in traffic around LA, don’t open your door without looking closely at the “lane” between the lanes.

Every state should permit lane splitting. Why the resentment and why should a bike stop if it can safely proceed under the rules as understood by everyone licensed to drive?

I agree, air cooled bike engine overheating in slow traffic is not a problem. Water cooled bikes have electric radiator fans; no problem there either.

Why the resentment and why should a bike stop if it can safely proceed under the rules as understood by everyone licensed to drive?

That’s the point…IT’S NOT SAFE…

I recall years ago being exposed for the first time to white lining in CA. Took me by surprise when the bike went zipping between cars. I ride and thought this was too risky for my liking. But I believe it should be legal to do so under certain circumstances. Why should a bike sit there in stalled traffic if it can proceed at a reasonable and prudent speed? There are times I will putt along the breakdown lane if traffic is stopped and my exit/turn is in sight. I do believe there is a jealousy factor involved with some cagers stuck in traffic and seeing a bike go by making progress when they cannot…

“…air cooled bike engine overheating in slow traffic is not a problem.”

Fooled a few legislators. That is the reason lane splitting is allowed in CA.

“There are times I will putt along the breakdown lane if traffic is stopped and my exit/turn is in sight.”

I’ve seen people stopped by the police while doing this. I assume a ticket was involved.

The activity is called “lane straddling” not lane splitting.

Pretty sure you’re incorrect. Straddling lanes is done in a vehicle with an axle, where you drive in two lanes, not fully in either, thus straddling them. On a bike, riding essentially betweent the lanes is splitting them.

As a biker and automobile driver, why should a biker, who can proceed instead of sitting in traffic polluting and wasting time and fuel, not continue to his/her destination?

I have done it often.
Nothing dangerous if drivers drive properly.
You must watch for openings in which a driver may turn his vehicle.
Hopefully the driver will signal as is legally required and proper.
If not, slow and be ready for it.

What it’s called might be different depending on what part of the country you live in.

You are right about this being “region dependant”. A CA cop wrote “lane straddling” on my ticket but the actual ticket was for “unsafe lane change”.

As a biker and automobile driver, why should a biker, who can proceed instead of sitting in traffic polluting and wasting time and fuel, not continue to his/her destination?

Because the cars that are stopped aren’t expecting someone to come up between lanes. I’ve seen bikers do it…and the first time it happened to me…I was just about to move over to the right side of the lane to see if I could see something…and I almost wiped out the biker…

Nothing dangerous if drivers drive properly.

Completely disagree with that. It’s dangerous.

I think the exuse is that there is a terrible shortage of organ donors…

The overheating exuse does sound lame as engine designers would build those heat tolerances into the engines and oooling fin designs.

One of my least favorite places to drive is CA with the motorcycles splitting lanes during rush hour. Typically when traffic is stalled, you have the lane changers (cars) trying the catch the “faster lane” mixed in with these lane splitting knuckleheads zipping obliviously down the lane markers. It’s a recipie for disaster in my opinion.