Speeding Up GM's Comeback

“Sometimes it seems the only people giving public schools a chance are those that can’t afford to send their kids to a private school”

I agree. Unfortunately, those people’s children are not getting the education they should be. Public schools are, IMHO, derelict in their original mandate. Largely because the mandate has changed. It is now to cross all the T’s and dot all the i’s so that the funding stream is maintained.

I probably have a total of 20 relatives that are public teachers in various states. NH is far worse compared to were my relatives teach. At least they get funding to help with the run-down schools. I have a nephew who’s a math teacher in CT. He has a degree in Mathematics from Suny Albany. His starting salary is what a history teacher with 20 years makes. The town/state - years ago saw the need to pay math and science teachers more then history and english teachers. NH is still behind the times. Salary is strictly based on years in service…no matter what the subject.

I now subscribe to the educational theory of that great philosopher, Festus Haggen, who was also deputy marshal of Dodge City, Kansas and worked for Marshal Dillon. Festus couldn’t read and when Doc Adams asked him why he didn’t learn, Festus replied “What’s the use of readin’. How would I know that the feller that done the writin’ got the readin’ right. Why, I could spend a lot of time learning to read and then find I was readin’ wrong writin’.” Let’s close our schools! We could save a lot in taxes. The former governor of Indiana, who is now president of Purdue was really upset about students reading Howard Zinn’s history textbooks. The former governor, Mitch Daniels says that there is a lie on every page. Well, I certainly don’t want our future citizens, the students of today reading wrong writing. Let’s nip this in the bud and close the schools.
My son wasn’t doing much of anything in school, so I sent him to a military academy for high school. The military academy brainwashed him into thinking education is important. He then went to college and then onto graduate school. What happened? He became a teacher and would be making a better income if he was on welfare.
Festus Haggen was not the only person that had this view of education. Huckleberry Finn said that he wasn’t going to be educated.

At the same time, federal and state mandates continue, even in the food service for heavens sake...

We have no such mandates. We do have state and federal guidelines. But no mandates.

One of our other expenses…is every few years we have to fight to keep creationism OUT of the science program. Have to call special meetings because some fringe group got the required signatures (10) to put it up for a vote. They never get more then 1% of the vote…but they keep putting it in about every 3-4 years.

If you accept federal money for food service, there is a limit for meals of around 800 calories period. This was due to Michelle Obama’s war on obesity. There are also other requirements such as a full serving of fruit and so on (lots of sugar). It has been quite a challenge for the dieticians to develop meals that meet these requirements and the kids hate them and can’t get enough to eat. These are teen agers. Some fat, some slim, some short some tall, but all hungrey. Thankfully you are lucky enough to not use federal money, but for the majority of the school system, including the residential schools for the Blind and Deaf, have to accept the money and the regs to survive.

Remembering giving my bread pudding away, as it was less favorable than playdough to me.

If you accept federal money for food service, there is a limit for meals of around 800 calories period.

Then don’t accept the federal money. Simple solution.

Triedaq, I bow to your genius. There was more wisdom in ol’ Festus than I’ve ever seen in any room full of academics… and yes, I include myself in those rooms.

I still enjoy Gunsmoke on MeTV, by the way. They don’t make shows like that anymore.

I still enjoy Gunsmoke on MeTV, by the way. They don't make shows like that anymore.

Mines - Rockford Files. I think I’ve watched each show 30+ times.


If parents want their kids to learn creationism, find a church that teaches that on sundays, or send them to a private, christian school

In my opinion, creationism shouldn’t be part of a public school’s curriculum

Regarding James Garner . . . I always enjoyed the Rockford Files better than some of his movie roles. Because I’m such a car nut, I always concentrate on the cars when I’m watching those classic tv shows. Haven’t seen one of those in awhile, my aunt used to have one of those, etc.

800 kcal for one meal? Is that an upper or lower limit? Seems to me a non-sedentary teen would run a caloric defecit on a (800x3) 2400kcal daily caloric intake. I’d feel “ripped off” if my $$$ got me that little food!

Besides, if you want to keep weight off, create diets with roughage, lots of lean protein and very little high glycemic index cheap carbs. Fat is a-ok, but unsaturated is better long-term for reasons not related to weight gain.

@meanjoe75fan Yep thats the upper limit. Either 750, 800, or 850-just can’t recall, but very low for an active teen for lunch. Plus in the residential schools like the state blind and deaf, the kids are really having a hard time going hungry since all their meals need to comply with the standards. Just one of many reasons why I’ve done a 180 on this particular administration and their endless regulations.


For one thing I believe Tenure should be abolished(especially in any public posistion,heck,term limits for anything and absolutely no gifts or gratiutys for any"ahem" public servant(I cant understand the state giving out taxpayer sponsored bonuses) when I was a youngun,the chubby kids(not morbidly obese) were few and far between and our school lunches were pretty much satisfying and good,one difference-we didnt not have soft drinks and candy in schools and we had some really wonderful teachers-Kevin

I looked up the current federal standards for caloric intake:

550-650 cal. (k-5)
600-700 cal. (6-8)
750-850 cal. (9-12)

350-500 cal. (K-5)
400-550 cal. (6-8)
550-600 cal. (9-12)

See the last page of this document.

In my opinion, creationism shouldn't be part of a public school's curriculum

I don’t have a problem with it being in public schools…I have a problem with it being taught in the SCIENCE classes - as if it was actually science (which it is NOT). Want to teach it as a philosophy class or an extra study class…fine…no problem. Just not as science.

I took engineering at a university dating from the 1800s, which was founded as a Presbyterian Church college. It now has one of the best Geology Departments in the country. The original church college still teaches creationism, while the geology department carefyully explains the millions of years between the various geological eras.

I was in the Drama Guild there and we had Divinity students who had no problem mixing with those “Heritical” engineers who rejected Creationism in order to be rational geologists.


You have a point there

If you’re going to teach creationism in school, call it by its rightful name . . .


did any of those divinity students and engineering students become friends?

I don’t see why it shouldn’t be possible

If you're going to teach creationism in school, call it by its rightful name

EXACTLY… But these NON-Scientists who keep putting up for a special vote want it taught as science. I know one of them…the guy can barely read (I’m serious). He’s proud of the fact he quit school after 8th grade because of the crap he was being taught. My youngest son and his son played Babe Ruth together.