Some Americans are thinking of giving up driving b/c it costs too much

They are normally mentioned to the OP to help them with what they need and or what the item looks like, then that is on topic…

If we are talking about a Toyota Camry and a new members 1st post is about 44" tires or a 6" lift company and nothing to do with the topic that we are talking about, then that is Spam…


The first post of a thread is by def’n “on topic” isn’t it? Or are you saying if the first post of a thread , even by a long-term forum member, asks if it is advisable to proactively replace flexible brake hoses, that’s automatically declared spam?

We often drift far from the original subject.

Yes, and that’s a good thing imho. And is also the reason I’m hesitant to allow a post to be removed as “spam” unless there is a very good reason to believe it to be pure advertising.

I thought it was strange that thread was removed, I think John didn’t want to sort through all those negative comments, easier to trash the whole thread. When some members aren’t interested in a topic, they keep posting complaints.

Yes, the topic can change many times and ways on any given thread, but the post in question gave a link to a company in Detroit about doing oil changes on 18 wheelers and a few other services from a 1st time poster and new member on a thread that nobody was talking about 18 wheelers… It was clearly an advertisement or Spam… That is what Spammers and or Bots do… out of the blue links…

Cannot imagine getting in car to “go for a drive!”

But then I do not really like driving, just find it a necessity where I live.

Maybe high-priced gas ($8 / gallon, anyone?–true cost to the environment…) will keep folks from joy riding?

Yes, Brother, It seems that I had inserted my website link there, thatswhy have been flagged, nothing else.
By the way I was saying that not all Americans are giving up driving, as if we talk about Truck Drivers they can not give up, as there are no options for them for their livelihood.

Which is not revelant to the discussion . And the article was ridiculous and not well researched . Nothing was said about truck drivers or people who had to drive for employment .


Yes agreed brother, that was my mistake, really apologise for that.

I am not your brother no matter how you mean to use the word.

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Joy riding has a different connotation then what you seem to imply. Joy Riding is a slang term meaning to steal a car and drive around at high speeds.

As for going out for a drive. Do it all the time. And I really enjoy it.


Yeah including truck drivers in this discussion would be same thing as mentioning police officers, firemen, EMS, school bus etc etc etc… Professional drivers are NOT included…
Now after driving all day/week, they might not want to drive anywhere for pleasure… lol