Simple key replacement at the dealership failed. Couldn't program key- still not running

If you have a store named “Batteries + Bulbs” near you give them a try. They do sell key fop for several different brands and programming is included in the (cheap) price.

I could be wrong, but I suspect that the OP has resolved his key-related problem in the intervening 2 years and 7 months.


Dope slap for @kurtwm1! :wink:

geeh, how did that thread get to the top of my list :blush:

Probably because someone who gets paid to surf the web and post Spam on old threads revived it. It was most likely flagged real quick and was removed . That is why I check dates and only have the latest button activated .

I think though the year only displays when you click on the post. Then when I run across something I said ten years ago, I tend to wake up. Why I still agree with what I said puzzles me though. You’d think I’d learned something in ten years.

You can roll the cursor over time number in the activity column and it will show the first and last date of the thread.

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No kidding? I never knew that before. It’s like the computer guy showing me everything on Win 10 and he could have saved us both some time because I didn’t retain more than 10% of it.

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The fact that it’s an old thread isn’t as obvious as it could be.

There have been times I’ve looked at the dates and had to look twice. The date stamps might say: “Jul '17” for example. I might read it quickly thinking it’s a recent thread from “July 17th”.

It’s easy to overlook, especially for someone new to this site.