Show Open: Dogs vs. Wives. Also, fluid? What fluid?

I recently had a book published on a very similar topic! “Why I’d Rather Date My Dog: Musings for Savvy Singles” is not gender specific, and contains a collection of wry observations, clever quips, and sly jokes comparing human dates with canine companions and explaining why the dogs outclass the competition–paws down! Maybe you’d enjoy reading a few on your next show.

Peaceful wishes,

Nancy Furstinger

A truism from "Why I’d Rather Date My Dog – “Dogs never Google you before a first date. They prefer to dig up the dirt in their own backyards.”

Reminds me of Harry Truman’s earthy remarks about Washingtonians; “If you want a friend in Washington, buy a dog!”

So true…if only we could elect dogs. And Samuel Butler also quipped: “The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself, too.”

I have a rescue dog whose mother was killed on the road and left 4 puppies. We adopted one of the pups, and having spend his early days with people, he thought he was a people as well. We began taking him to a dog day care two days a week and he associates with other dogs. He now knows he is a dog. I then took him to work and introduced him to my colleagues. He is now proud to be a dog.

And the love of a dog is the only love that money can buy!

Kudos to you for rescuing a pup in need…I believe that these dogs are cognizant of their rescuers’ kindness and compassion. He should be proud to be YOUR dog!

And you should be proud to be a compassionate human. As President Abraham Lincoln wrote “I could not have slept to-night if I had left that helpless little creature to perish on the ground.” I don’t know what incident her is referring to but that quote apparently referred to his reply to friends who chided him on helpin birds who fell from their nests. [in “The Extended Circle” – a dictionary of humane thought, edited by Jon Wynne-Tyson.