Should I replace my car engine?

I just replaced my timing belt and water pump (Jan. 12th, 2011) for my 1997 Toyota RAV4. And now they are saying that I need to get a new engine because it has a leak. Should I replace the engine (a mechanic friend told me that it would cost about $1800 for both the engine and labor)? Any feedback would be great…thanks


“they are saying that I need to get a new engine because it has a leak.”

Who the heck are “they”? And are “they” the same “they” that replaced the timing belt? And what - exactly - did they say is leaking? Most engines on the road have “a leak” - so what are you leaking from where? Maybe most importantly, what kind of problem are actually having with the car right now?

If you can get a replacement engine into a RAV4 - even a working used one - for $1800 then you’re doing ok. But I think your mechanic friend is blowing some hot air.

Do you mean the water pump is leaking, or the engine? If it’s the engine, what’s leaking? Oil, fuel, coolant, exhaust, something else?

I agree; you need to post some info about what’s leaking where and what led up to the water pump and timing belt replacement?

Severe overheating? Temp gauge pegged out? Ran sluggish and quit? Towed in?

You can’t install a new engine for only $1,800 dollars. You’d be lucky to get a junk yard engine installed for that.

There’s too much information missing from your story.

Why, exactly, do they say you need a new engine?

Hi Jose,

Please be a bit more verbose in your description of what is going on with your RAV-4.
We don’t charge by the word, you know.

Of course, at the same time, we don’t need to know about how you use the car to transport ferrets from Rhode Island to Montana every summer for the Running Of The Ferrets Rally that you and your Uncle Torrey created 5 years ago.

Just stick to the facts about the car, and include all of them that retain to your current issues, including what the dealership has told you is going wrong with your car.


“Of course, at the same time, we don’t need to know about how you use the car to transport ferrets from Rhode Island to Montana every summer for the Running Of The Ferrets Rally that you and your Uncle Torrey created 5 years ago.”

Could have done without that bit, too.

“including what the dealership has told you is going wrong with your car.”

When did he say “dealership”?