Should I also replace valve stem guides?

I’m getting ready to replace the valves (at least one exhaust valve is burnt) and stem seals in my 99 Honda CRV with about 230K miles. Should I also replace all the valve stem guides, or just those that appear to have play in them?

or just those that appear to have play in them

Wouldn’t it be better to measure the play to see which ones are within spec?

If you do not have the tools to check vavlve stem clearance in the guides you can use this backyard method which will work fine.

With the springs and collars removed, pull a valve down with your fingers until the valve stem is flush with the top of the guide.
Place a finger tip on top of the valve guide/valve stem and press down firmly.
Now pull the valve out of the head very quickly with the other hand.

If the guide is good you should hear a very noticeable “pop” sound.
If the pop is muted quite a bit the valve guides are worn.
If you hear no pop at all the guides are gone…

“If you do not have the tools to check valve stem clearance in the guides you can use this backyard method which will work fine.”

Great tip. In all the years that I did this (mainly Chevy small block engine heads)…I can only think of one or two instances that this technique failed.