Oh. I was always told to charge a car-type battery on the lowest setting, that it would “hold the charge” better if it were charged slowly, as opposed to trying to cram all the volts or watts or amps (I"m sure I’ve got the nomenclature wrong, sorry in advance) in quickly. Maybe that’s one of those Tom & Ray "Why you should never listen to your father when it comes to cars. . . " moments.
Also, I’ve heard that oftentimes when a car battery is completely discharged, it won’t hold a charge very well after that. Car batteries aren’t designed to be completely discharged like a deep-cycle marine battery. In my case, the battery is less than a year old, and was only depleted for probably less than 12 hours before I got it on the charger, so I’m gonna cross my fingers and hope for the best.
Well, the battery is fully charged now, the Jeep started right up, I drove it around the block a few times, parked it out of the way of my other car, shop vacced all the water out of the footwheel, checked it over to make sure all the windows are closed correctly (cannot figure out where that water is coming from) and the doors tightly shut, disconnected the battery, (thought I had a tarp in my basement but can’t seem to find it).
I figure I can use it to get to work in a pinch if my other car breaks down. Right now I’ve got a lot of end-of-year / beginning-of-year decisions to make, so I’m gonna “think” on this for awhile, but I am certain a new car is in my near future, (plus, I need a mental ‘cooling-down’ period).
@Barkydog , sounds like you are at the beginning of the road I have gone down. 03 isn’t that old actually, or, wait, I guess that’s 13 years. Wow. As one gets older, time gets distorted. The 1990’s don’t seem like so long ago to me, but when I stop to think about it, there are people DRIVING today who were barely even born in the 90’s. I would suggest you not be a fool like I was, trying to keep my old car(s) going because I thought it was cheaper than buying a new or newer one. The $64,000 question is, WHERE? exactly do you draw the line, and I guess there is no exact answer to that question.
Amusing anecdote about “time”. Back when I worked in the discount store, we had an older semi-retired gentleman working on our stock crew. We were stocking die-cast model cars in the toy dept and he stopped to admire a '57 Chevy, and said, in a daydreamy voice, “Aaahh, nineteen-fif-ty sev-en! That was a good year!” Then he noticed me standing there and said to me, “I guess you don’t remember 1957, huh?” “No, sorry, guess I wasn’t here yet then.”
***At least I freely acknowledge that I’ve been a fool / idiot. You’ve gotta give me some credit for that. How many people come on here and blather nonsense and then won’t even own up to it?