School bus stopping around steep corners

A million others would state the same thing.

Part of the problem with driving is that there are very long stretches where nothing out of the ordinary happens. It is easy to be lulled into a sense of security and complacency. Then all of a sudden, you’re met with a situation out of the expected ordinary- a tree down across the road, a car stopped in the road, a kid runs out between cars, a bus is stopped around a corner… I am trying to teach my son to expect the unexpected. Drive alert and to anticipate issues. Don’t go faster around curves than you can see and be able to stop when the unexpected happens. The speed limit doesn’t mean you have to go that speed although many people get upset if someone slows because they can’t see what’s ahead. It’s easier for the one following. Just like at night you shouldn’t overrun your headlights, care needs to be taken around blind corners…


Based on this response, it appears that drivers are warned to watch their speed and the road. I’m sure that next time you pass this way you will be more careful, especially at school start and dismissal time.


Have you considered taking a driving skills refresher course, perhaps offered by your local auto club?


Actually, I think I suggested that several months ago, after his second or third “incident” on the highway. The one that is offered by AARP is actually open to everyone–at a very reasonable price–whether they are a member, or not. It’s now done online via videos/graphics, is very comprehensive, and allows you to do the course at your own pace, as it remembers where you left-off.


I also offered this advice previously and he ignored it then…


I’m not aware of having such past discussion, Loudthunder. If my memory serves me right, you misunderstood my question and then apologized.

I’m pretty up to date with the road rules. I have apps on my iPhone that I play with when I’m bored to keep my memory fresh of the road rules.

Here is your comment and apology

Cheers :beers:

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I did not apologized for offering the advice that many others have also offered you, I apologized for misquoting you…

Now that is cleared up, you still have issues; and rather that proactively seeking professional driver training where you could be shown how to drive in a world where trains cross roads, where children must exit a school bus and the rest of us must share the road with you, you play with your phone.

I did not know that “Grand Theft Auto” was written to play on your iPhone… L :grin: L . . .

As a final plea, when you are bored, please do not play your apps while driving and perhaps you will notice those train crossing and school buses soon enough to safely stop…


Just came across this video. My gosh, now this is what you called dangerous!

I wouldn’t mind for someone to lose their drivers license for something like this at all. This clearly was intentional.


Yeah that was bad… gezzz
That idiot need to go to jail for x number of years, that is just like trying to kill someone… Sadly they probably already had their license revoked…

Authorities in Minnesota are asking for the public’s help in locating a driver who nearly hit students leaving a school bus last week. According to the Pine County Sheriff’s Office, the incident took place on Dec. 21 2023 at around 3:22 p.m. on County Road 41 in Willow River. Video footage from the school bus shows a motorist in a Ford Ranger pass another vehicle on the shoulder before driving past a school bus with its stop sign out. A couple of students were exiting at the time, and one had to run to get out of the way of the truck.
Credit: Pine County Sheriff’s Office via Storyful


I have decided to take the defensive driving course to see what I’m missing out there, and to refreshen my memory of the rules.

It’ll be done online from a DMV recommended source. Should knock my insurance rate down by 10% ( not much ).

However, it can’t be used to access future violation points. I currently have zero points on my record.

Off to study I go. :sunglasses:


Yep shouldn’t be hard identifying the proper ford ranger from the thousands of them in northern minnesota.

They know who it was


Have a friend, bus is not allowed to stop in a turn lane, so a few instances of people passing the bus on the right in the turn lane as kids exit from the drive lane.

Yeah I often don’t read the links. In this case sounds like the guy has reason to be afraid of turning his girl friend in. A woman scorned and a little hyper at that. Still sounds like a lot of holes in the case to prove who was driving but there may be more.

Have you considered having
your reaction times tested?

Funny that you asked this. Tonight I was the driver with about 8 passengers. I was driving a church van.

After driving was completed, all passengers praised my driving. They complimented me so much.

You know what I said to them ?

**There is a forum called CarTalk. Almost everyone on it thinks I should get off the road because of stories I shared of incidents I experienced as a driver””

My reaction time is sharp, otherwise I wouldn’t have stopped in time for a school bus that dangerously stopped around a blinded corner on a narrow and hilly road :sunglasses:

They didn’t get out and kiss the ground afterwards did they???
:rofl: :crazy_face:

Just kidding around… :smiley:


Good one, Mr. Dave. :joy:

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