Safety Standards for cars with distracted drivers

so you’ll have an electronic wife in the car nagging right alongside the real one? :stuck_out_tongue:

I can’t afford one of these high end cars either. But I gotta believe the owners of cars with these systems turn them off-especially in traffic. Trying to leave three car lengths in front of you in heavy traffic is nearly impossible and will get you many dirty looks (and dirty fingers) from people who just assume you’re driving too slow. I drive a fairly large class C van for a living and most folks just think the space I leave in front ov me is reserved for them.

As for swerving into the next lane, that is what the reflective bumps are for. People need to PAY ATTENTION when they are behind the wheel. Law enforcement needs to step up and start busting people for UNSAFE text/phone use. We accept DUI check points, why not DUP/T check points. You pull up, have your phone out and if the officer asks for history it had better not be recent.
Talking and texting has the equivelent affect on your driving as 3-4 dronks of alcohol.

Need A Horse, I even have a suggested name for such a fuel efficiency warning device. It could be called the Gore-a-horn.

So how do we know which drivers to sell these to? Do distracted drivers get a tattoo on their neck so that we can tell them apart, because I don’t want this crap in my car. Otherwise, everytime a distracted driver cuts me off, or I switch lanes to avoid one drifting into my lane, I don’t want my car confusing me for a distracted or agressive driver!

Something needs to be done, but it isn’t this. I saw 6 of 8 drivers at an opposing traffic light today drive in front of me on their cell phones. And don’t think that cellphones that shut off in motion is the fix either. That idea is just as dumb. I’d be pissed if I was a passenger in a train/bus/car etc that couldn’t text because my phone thought I was driving.

I don’t see how anti-texting laws can be enforced.

Spotting distracted drivers is quite easy. You look for the people who can’t keep their vehicle in their lane. Then after you pull the person over, you can check her/his cell phone and/or cell phone records.

I have gotten quite good at spotting distracted drivers, and I don’t need to see the driver to do it. Aside from lane straying, you look for people who run red lights, run stop signs, and are generally clueless of their surroundings.