Can I take a head off a junkyard accord and just install it or is it mandatory to have it gone through?
If you have the head checked out BEFORE you install it you will have much less of a chance of having to take it back off again.
You can just replace it, but you take a chance of it not working properly. If you’re going through all the trouble…why not just get it checked out???
I agree with having it checked out. A head from a junkyard could easily be warped, the valves could be burned, or the valvetrain (I’ll assume it’s overhead cam) could have problems. Valve springs could also be tired. You can check all of these things yourself at home, although you may need to have the springs checked by a shop.
Honestly, while some might prefer to have it radiographed for a possible crack, on a stock engine that’s pretty unlikely IMHO.
- mountainbike
Honestly, while some might prefer to have it radiographed for a possible crack, on a stock engine that’s pretty unlikely IMHO.
The OP may beg to differ, dontcha think?
Excellent point. Darn it’s hard to answer good without having the original post in view!
- mountainbike
I agree with the others. Not mandatory, but cheap insurance. I had to replace the head gasket on my Toyota truck (22R 4 cyl), and the machine shop checked for warpage, re-seated the valves, and replaced the valve seals for $65. I just brought in the valve seals from the head gasket kit when I dropped off the cylinder head.
I had to replace the head gasket on my Toyota truck (22R 4 cyl), and the machine shop checked for warpage, re-seated the valves, and replaced the valve seals for $65.
That’s cheap…very cheap. I haven’t torn into a engine in several years…The last time I had simple head work done cost over $200.