Prius Trade-In Gone Wrong

I would be glad to post some comments on Carfax. Thank you so much for the suggestion… this will help me to be rid of some of my guilt… and maybe begin to redeem myself with Nevada_545. :wink:

However, I would like your opinion on something… when I purchased my Jetta, they didn’t have it quite ready, and they gave me a voucher to bring it back for some more detailing and an emissions test. I am hesitant to post comments on Carfax until I get these done (planning on next week). I am afraid that the dealership may read my post and then decide to not be too nice to my Jetta while finishing the detailing. Do you think I am being too paranoid?

To everyone else,
Thanks so much for your comments… whether they were positive or negative about the Jetta… all are welcome because I think it is good to hear everything I can and learn all I can. Thanks for all of the tips, asemaster. And, yes, the Jetta is lot more fun to drive around than the Prius.