The number of miles driven is also a palindrome in the solution they’re looking for.
000000 also works.
Guess that’s not the answer they were looking for!
Those are some keystrokes you’ll never get back, but of course you’re right.
They weren’t looking for it, but I still think 099990 is clevererer, because it makes the number of digits sort of a red herring.
I was really counting on
Tommy shouldn’t be driving fast ANYWHERE!
I must me missing something. The question was “How far did he drive that morning?” and as far as I can figure your “clevererer” answer is exactly the same as the one given on the show.
100001 - 099990 = 11
200001 - 199991 = 11
It’s clevererer because it turns the number of digits into a red herring. As I said.
100001 - 99990 = 11
200001 - 199991 = 11
200001 - 199991 = 11I don't think so
Didn’t want to nitpick.
101 to 111 = 10
But, isn’t it that neither 000101 nor 000111 is a palindrome?