Ask a shop to monitor the pre cat vs post cat o2 sensor signals. That’s how the computer figures out to throw a 430 code. If those show the cat is worn out, replace the cat. Sometimes this is caused by o2 sensor problems, but usually it is just that the cat needs replacement. The problem with replacing the o2 sensors on a flier is that the replacements may be faulty and you have now introduced a problem that didn’t exist before.
On a 6 year old vehicle probably a good idea to have some testing done to determine why the cat failed. Are you using an usual amount of oil , like more than a quart in 1000 miles? Any weird looking smoke out the tailpipe? Any other codes, like for misfiring been going on? If nothing, then at least get a fuel trim measurement, which is a way the shop checks for deviations from the proper air/fuel mixture.