
have a groaning or growling noise coming from the front wheel drive axle area, and I raised the front of the car and checked the wheel hub bearings (both sides) for play, I didn’t find much if any, But the inner cv joint on passenger side, i could move it fairly easily by hand. now could this be the source of the noise. i did also raise each wheel independently and spun the wheel and axle, and the sound was real loud when the driver’s side was raised, and spun? causing me to question the pass. side cv joint.does the drivers side axle spin inside the pass. side inner cv joint?

I don’t think you have ruled out the wheel bearings yet. Also I like the CV joint based on what you have said so far. I suggest you have a trusted shop that knows suspension and drive trains well check it out. It is hard to do this on-line. Words are poor substitutes for feeling and hearing.

[i] does the drivers side axle spin inside the pass. side inner cv joint? {/i]


when i had the driver’s side raised and spinning, and the passenger side on ground (not spinning) the sound was louder and it looked like something was spinning inside inner cv joint? thats why i was wondering if the driver’s side axel spins inside passenger side inner cv joint when driver’s side is raised and spinning and pass. side is down and not spinning