No power to speedometer, odometer, driver information center heat or ac

Thanks. That wasn’t exactly clear from this post:

No mention of “POS” or “junk” or “been in the shop forever” or “money pit.” In fact, from the description it sounds very much like the owner is quite happy with the vehicle.

That info is in his other thread

He was happy with his broken Oldsmobile and now he is happy with the broken Dodge.

The Oldsmobile had unresolved issues for years, George would get him mixed up with odd instructions that never lead to a repair.


Alright Sunshine,. judgmental much? Most of us come here seeking automotive advice, not to be criticized. Enjoy your day

Appreciate that Dave, I love the Magnum, mistakes happen, repairing a car with today’s electronics isn’t like the 70’s…misdiagnose a faulty sensor and all kinds of problems can occur. My friend is a 3rd generation mechanic who owns one of the most popular shops in a city of 175K, so for all the Monday morning quarterbacks here, never made a mistake? Congrats on that. I ran bars and restaurants for 25 years and made mistakes in year 25 too.

And you have received advice but ignored it, your failing lamp control module for example. You didn’t test or replace it, just keep asking the same questions.

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  1. You have no idea what you’re talking about, I brought it to the shop 4 times in a month, towed twice so as not to risk overheating/oil starvation. 2) They told me I had to complete a “drive cycle” to clear the codes so the light would shut off and I could pass emissions and register it. 3) Don’t try speaking for the entire community, look up the word “megalomaniac” so you’ll know what it means when others call you this. I welcome all suggestions but my own mother doesn’t berate me without offering advice.

I find it really cool that you got to work on one of my all time favorite aircraft (The Eagle). I think the electronics in the plane are even more sophisticated than your cars electronics were. It is a mute point now but you stated that you had no power getting to the fuses under the hood. Since they are usually located close to the battery those fuses usually have power applied to them at all times, at least in most vehicles. I can’t say with absolute certainty that it is true in your case as I have never worked on that model car. Just going from experience with other vehicles. What possibly may have happened in your case is the fuses you had no power to may have been supplied power using a fusible link, which looks like a normal wire, but is designed to handle a certain amount of current before it opens up in the middle of the link. You got to work on a very sophisticated aircraft. It most likely didn’t have fusible links like cars use but you have the ability to work on vehicles also. Maybe just a little familiarization with car electronics is needed but you can do it. Just remember, Ohm’s Law must prevail, in a Tesla or an F-22.

Excellent advice and I love the Tesla quote. To be honest, I have 10 blown discs from a bad motorcycle wreck in my early 40’s (got T-boned on my Ninja by a USPS truck). I live on very heavy painkillers and it’s hard to quiet my mind, to be skillful with electronics you have to be able to think clearly, it’s very hard for me…so I try not to open up more than I’m certain I can close if that makes sense Cougar, I know my limits, and they aren’t great

I was at Luke AFB in Glendale AZ outside Phoenix, the largest training base for the 15 and 16 in the country. So fun watching them from the end of the flight line at night kicking the afterburners

Well I’m so sorry to hear what happened to you with the accident. That has to be pretty hard to deal with. I hope things go okay for you in the future. You are right about the clear thinking needed to do good troubleshooting on circuits or electrical issues. Pain killers are good to ease the pain but usually don’t help to have a clear head after taking them. When I have taken them I just kind of zone out.