Nikola 1 truck founde convicted of fraud

No. If anything, the ERC would make whatever goods and services you buy from a vendor that took the credit cost less. They don’t have to make up for the lost income by charging more now. You would pay it anyway, but we stopped caring about matching federal income and expenditures long ago. Just print the money. Us old folks will all be dead when the bills come due.

I just got back from the grocery store with my $6 eggs. The cashier asked me if I wanted to donate a dollar so she could give my money to someone else. Just kidding but it is the same thing. There is no end to the programs devised to take from one person and give it to someone else making it look like it was a gift from them but actually from me. A chicken in every pot. Send me your bills, I will pay them for you. :smile:

Be thankful you didn’t have to pay for the eggs in UK Pounds.

I’m just glad that free-range extra-large eggs are still $3.99 in my neck of the woods.

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I bought eggs earlier this week for $4.99, but they are extra large, and there are two dozen.

The state of OK authorized the closed for half a century Clinton Sherman AFB to become a spaceport. Baseless rumors were that Musk was going to locate Space X there at one point. It’s been funded for millions of dollars every year with not one entity expressing interest.
Buildings falling apart, weeds taking over, and zero on the agenda…

There was one outfit (Rocket Plane) that came in, snagged 18 million tax dollars, and then bolted for MN where they declared bankruptcy.

Still a far less fleecing than GM inflicted on the state when they closed the OKC auto plant and which was a scam from the get go.

Regarding those Camp Lejeune lawsuits, last night I got a text informing me that my case had been settled for
$67,478.21, and that I should click on the link to receive my payment.

I was never stationed there, and I did not file a claim.
I was born in the morning, but it wasn’t this morning.

Thank God for call/text blocking.


I get the Camp Lejeune scam several times a week. The ones that really p*ss me off are the ones for the FREE Medicare Benefits. They’re just trying to SELL you Part B and/or Part C benefits. They make it sound like it’s a government sponsored program. IT’S NOT.


That’s a federal gov’t base, right? So common-sense says you should be able to use that loot to pay your federal taxes. Maybe just forward your text to the IRS, say “take what you like” … lol …