Taxes with the goal of controlling consumption has been effective in controlling the smoking on the state level, and I believe would bee effective under normal circumstances. A dedicated consumption tax is worthwhile.
But, with fuel prices increasing"without bound" from a variety of pressures including, speculation, devaluation of the dollar, security as encouraged by our foreign policy. and general greed, nmow is not the time. Right now we are swirling towards a resession spear heqaded by energy costs.
Europe encourages the use of diesel by taxation at a lower rate. this is worth while control. I now think we are in a crisis with with our national security at stake with all future wars propigated on the acquisition of energy.
As an independent and a bit of a libertarian, I never thought I would say this…it’s in our national security interest for the Department of energy to nationalize the holdings of American based oil companies and at the very least, initiate price controls. We initiated govt. control over energy consumption duting times of war…we shoud do it again. Our entire existence depends upon the proper despensation and development of energy sources, The private sector, which is driving us into “energy retrieval wars”, and taken over our military industrial complex, has has failed us.