Need New Engine After Oil Change!

I’m actually driving around overdue for a change right now simply because I don’t trust anybody. So I know what you mean.

I am not sure what you are saying here? I do have a receipt documenting the oil change but nothing saying I went back. Are you saying that AE is liable since they touched my car last before the mishap? Would you be willing to clarify? Thanks

I researched your previous thread using the search feature, but i agree with Caddyman that it’s a lot more productive for you to do this up front rather than open a new thread.

Simply ask your mechanic to diagnose (with photos) the cause of failure. That may require cutting the oil filter open, it may require removing the crank bearings. Askk him of you can be there to take your own photos as well.

Assuming the crankcase was full of oil, I can think of only two possible causes. The most probable, the oil filter was defective, came apart internally and blocked oil flow through the engine, resulting in the warning light…

Or. There is an oil pressure relief spring located in the block near the oil filter that opens to limit oil pressure if the pressure is TO HIGH…If this spring fails (breaks) the valve it controls will open and oil pressure will drop to zero.

Those are the two places to look.

I am new to this process. If I have another question about a thread I started, what do I do so people will see it? It felt like the thread I started was done? Thanks for clarifying for me.

Go back page after page and find the thread or if you can recall the thread title, use the search feature to find it. Then open it and add another post, which will move it up to #1 again…