My new car's 1st adventure

I just posted about the new car I purchased, a 2024 Subaru BRZ Limited. Well, it’s first day, uhm well by the time the deal was finally sealed it was his first evening in the world outside the dealership he’s been at for a little while. While I mentioned I do like to humanize our cars as a way of having fun, and it really is, somehow I think I am not the only one in this forum he does this, we are all big car enthusiasts.

The dealership offered to take the little guy out for a nice dinner of 91 octane gasoline. I followed the rep to the gas station, but he got a good lead because I had to make a left turn as well, and had to wait for a short while until traffic cleared. Oh no, we had to catch up to him and I had to make sure to not go over 4000 RPMs to catch up. It was 35 mph zone and we saw the rep at a distance I crept up to nearly 50 mph and was closing in, but then I saw at a distance the cross walk lights blinking red, and I knew that light was about to turn yellow, and sure enough it did, and I was closing in on the dealership rep, I know this area so well, I was not going to stop, my BRZs rear tires just passed the first crosswalk as the light turned red, phew, just made it and we were gaining ground, oh that dealership rep was moving fast, but our new family member was just as bound and determined as me to catch up. Ahhh, we were gaining, but then oh no, another yellow light that lead to a repeat of the above one. We caught up and a quick u-turn into the gas station. The dealership rep laughed and said, darn you made it, you and that car were meant for each other and he was impressed with the way I handled it. Yeah I had to maneuver around several car to catch up – no, I did not cut anyone off are put anyone in danger. (I almost told him I have a SCCA). He fueled my BRZ and he went back to the dealership, and I headed back to the dealership, and well, I had to head to appointment to take care of a few things, and that is why this adventure is not over yet.

I was running late to that appointment, I had to get there and I had to keep it under 4000 rpms. The main road I am driving on to the gas station and to the office is 3 lanes each way. You guessed it, another yellow light. I maneuvered from the middle lane to the left lane and passed a blue Mustang GT, oh…since I mentioned that Mustang, you already know it is part of this rush to the office. Had I passed this Mustang in my Legacy or my truck, that Mustang could’ve cared less, but because it was my noticeably louder BRZ, that Mustang had a completely different interpretation of this situation. I went by him at 50 mph in the 35 mph zone and by the time he reacted I had just made it across the intersection before the light turned red. I saw that Mustang weaving in and out of traffic in my mirrors, he ran the red light to try and catch us. Yeah, I did some weaving in and out, too, so I am not exactly innocent here…but I did it safely!!! The Mustang was not as agile as my BRZ and it played a role in my increasing my lead, then another yellow light, uhhhh not again!!! Darn, I am not stopping, I know the timing of these lights, I gently accelerated and topped out at 3800 rpm, my BRZs tires again just passed the first crosswalk as the light turned red just made it. The Mustang got trapped by other cars and had to wait at the red light. If I didn’t know any better, I was thinking my BRZ was laughing at that Mustang.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I came to stop in the center divide waiting for a few cars to pass to make a left turn into my designation. Oh, that Mustang, yeah you didn’t think it would go away quietly did you??? Well, as I was getting out of my BRZ, it came tearing down the road, and as it was driving by us, it dropped a gear and loudly revved up its powerful engine to give us a few select words. LOL! That was funny. I looked at my BRZ and asked him, what did you say to him that got him so upset??? I could just him snickering with at big smile on his grill.

Oh, and regarding the yellow light, just a heads up, I was able to prepare for them because I am constantly looking ahead, and looking ahead to when crosswalk lights start flashing red prepares my for my course of action before the light even turns yellow.

Hope all of you enjoyed my BRZs first evening. I like to have a little humor, and well I have fun humanizing the vehicles, well all of my family does for that matter.

Why are you limiting the engine to 4000 RPMs? Is there a break in period? If it isn’t in the owner’s manual, you don’t need to do it. IMO you probably don’t. Also, while it will likely run on 87 or 89 octane, I’d continue using 91 octane. Modern timing systems will likely accommodate 89 octane but it was designed for 91 octane for optimum performance. 87 octane sells for as little as $3.19 and 91 octane for $3.89 at the same station.

Next time, please be sure to include a LOT more detail!
What color is the car?
What is its interior color?
What is the brand/model of its tires?
Which brand of gas did you buy?
What was the car salesman’s name?
How much per gallon did you pay for the gas?
What were you wearing while driving the car?
What was the ambient temperature at the time of your drive?
What was the wind speed, and from which direction was the wind coming?


Was this the salesman?


I really don’t think that is a good practice.


As you can now tell, @FSH003 , this is a ‘tough crowd’. We’re used to short questions about car problems, hopefully with the basic information needed to answer the question.

Enjoy you new car. I tried sitting in one of those, came nowhere near to fitting (headroom).


As soon as the break in period is up, drive it like you stole it… lol
Check the owners manual for details…

Run whatever octane is recommended for the vehicle, it will affect the ignition timing, ever heard of a knock sensor, it’s sole purpose in life is to pick up pre-detonation (pre-ignition, spark knock), and changing the octane changes the spark knock and the ignition timing, which then can/will affect performance and fuel mileage… If you can’t budget the correct octane, you should not have bought the car… lol

Would you buy a vehicle built for performance and immediately remove the performance tires and put the cheapest tire on it you could find??

Enjoy your new ride…


My problem wasn’t getting into the car or fitting in it. My problem arose when it was time to get out. I had to–literally–crawl out of it on my hands and knees because my old bones didn’t want to rise up from the very low seating position.

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My scoliosis and arthritis probably wouldn’t allow me to enter or exit that car without debilitating pain, fwiw


That’s a fun story OP. I look forward to seeing more posts about your new car :slight_smile:


Before I reply to George, I have to say I got a kick out of some of the replies in here, others might have taken it in offense, I just laughed a little and enjoyed it as rugged fun.

George, you asked for another adventure, so here it is. For whatever reason this car gets more attention than I expected. My BRZ has had some other adventures, but well, this one is unique so I had to post it. There’s been several other vehicles that have wanted to race me, but I won’t do it, because am still well under breaking my new BRZ in. Also, I would feel more comfortable racing someone on a race track, we all know what to expect from each other, people on the street have no idea how to react to these situations and with that in mind, no matter how much looking ahead and anticipation you may plan, it might not be enough to get me out of a not so good situation. I’m not saying I will NEVER race someone on the streets, but it is highly, highly unlikely, even if I should get a c8 z51 in the near future.

Now onto what happened. I am driving my BRZ on a major city street that has 3 lanes going both directions. I am in the middle lane at a stop light, I’ve been working at gently breaking in my BRZ, by keeping it under 4000 rpm, even going so far as to set my yellow line at 3300 rpm. I’m in the middle lane at a stop light and this Chevy crew cab truck comes to a ripping stop on my left and is loudly repeatedly revving its engine at me, the driver looking at me. I said to him (doubt he heard me) “I’m not racing” and shook my head to emphasize the point. The light turns green and this truck floored it and went tearing down the street. I proceeded like I usual as I break in my car. Well,next thing I know a city motorcyle cop blows by me and guess who got pulled over, yeah, that truck. I just couldn’t help it, I moved to the right lane and as I drove by the pulled over truck, I tapped my accelerator 3 separate times to 4000 rpm to which made my BRZs tail slightly dip, oh this would have been so much better at 7000 rpm but oh well. The driver of that truck nearly came half way out of his window to wildly wave his middle finger at me and was yelling at me as well. The cop pointed at him to get back in his car, then the cop turned looked my direction and started waving his finger at me shaking his head saying I’m not sure what. But he just went on to what I am guessing was giving a citation to the driver of that truck.


The BRZ is an appealing car. They turn heads. I always look at them whenever I spot one. My best friend refers to the BRZ as a mini Ferrari, or poor mans Ferrari. He desperately wants one but money isn’t there right now.

You have a nice car. Enjoy it.