Magnetizing a screwdriver

Shoot, we let dagosa get away with “Teslar”…

insightful LOL. I am far from perfect. I always just let things like that go.

the same mountainbike
Auto-owner, we consider this a family friendly forum and try to be cordial and use words that we’d use with out daughters.

Huh? I used an objectionable word? Which one(s)?

Please, if you’re going to hang out here, respect that. We all misuse words on occasion. I’ll bet even you do.

I don’t know what you mean. I was attempting to make humor from a verbal error.
Scuse me all over the place. How touchy can you get?

actually it was a written error, but nevermind…

I said @ss here the other day and didn t even edit it out. no one is perfect

What do you mean. Teslar is in one of their advertising brochures. Each of their employees is referred to as a Teslar…one who makes electric cars for Tesla. Like a GM employee is a GM’ r.

Heck, I’ll bet even ol’ Nikola misspelled his name now and again…

He probably spelled it " Никола Тесла"

“Shoot, we let dagosa get away with “Teslar””

I thought it was because he was out east where every “a” is changed to an “er” as in Ameriker instead of America. Instead I guess its just like being a “Car Talker”.

Ok, ok…I’m take’n you guys off my Christmas gift list. In Maine by the way, that’s Car Talk’a

LOL, well done, B.L.E.


You betcha. We’re the only ones in the country without an accent.

ain t not nothing wrong with the way we talk here either. 'mongst ya ll ought to know that already

I prefer magnetize. Otherwise magnify would have two meanings; and be somewhat ambiguous.

Out here in language purgatory, we always have to ‘‘listen with an accent’’ !
We have a mishmash of spanglijo ( spanish/english/navajo ) and listening to the entire context ( just like reading this initial post ) is paramount to knowing what is being meant without arguing over technical correctness.

Enough of the english lessons already! I hate grammar police when people KNOW what you mean. Anyhow, the possibility of magnetizing a non magnetic screwdriver is news to me! Pretty cool! Id go to the nearest hardware store and buy a magnetic tip screwdriver, and an extendable wand or antenna with a magnet to retrieve dropped screws. Too much hassle magnetize a screwdriver it sounds like, unless you happen to have a good magnet laying around.

I don’t mean this to be an English comment even though it sounds like one, but you cannot magnetize a nonmagnet screwdriver. “Nonmagnetic” would by definition mean that it would not contain ferrous material… and thus could not be magnetized.

You can magnetize anything with iron in it, and iron and carbon are what makes steel. It’s been too long since I’ve gotten into the question of stainless steel, which does contain iron, and why its molecules won’t orient due to magnetic flux lines, but I welcome the contributions of others. I’m too lazy to look it up myself. Old age, you know. The mind is failing.

A magnet will stick to 400 series stainless, but not 300 series.

I wonder if it’s the nickel in the 300’s ???
Nay metallurgists or physicists in the room?

Yep, little to no nickel in the 400’s, yet Al/Ni/Co makes a great magnet…go figure.