How are we taking advantage of society?
We are having a very hard time making ends meet due to this car case. This is going on now 2 1/2 years. We work very long hours when we work and we get very little pay for it. We cant find other work. We have no hope thigns are going to get better unless we sue in US District Court on the county; demand in our settlement that we are given new court hearings including the car case and win our case. This takes years. Do you know how many ADA attorneys there are in CO? Very few and there are alot of nonsense going on and been going on for many years.
We were just the victim in a case in Arapahoe county. We couldnt even get accomodation to testify at a hearing in which we were the victim due to the DA and the victim’s assistance office. and now you are going to tell us you dont beelive there are problems getting accomodation her due to our disability? This goes on all the time in the 18th despite federal law and an ADA coorindator for each judical district.
You say you know an excellent ADA attorney here. Why ask them about the ADA problems in CO? There are also few tdds here and in the middle of our court case on the car; what do you think breaks and we had no way to repalce it as its a $300 machine which we didnt have. The closest tdd when they have it is over a mile away one way whihc we used to walk just to use the phone. If that one is lost; which the store did lose it; the next one is 1 1 /2 miles one way walk.
We shouldnt have been taken advantage of this way and we deserved a fair verdict in a timely fashion just like any other person gets (except for the disabled in the 18th).
By the way; we have a very good case to sue both Arapahoe and Douglas county in US DC as we have written proof over the denial of accomodaiton and case after case in which we had hearings with out any accoomodaiton by numerous Judges including the judges and magistrate in the car case.